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...40414243444546Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
Variations: |
onajimi おなじみ |
(adj-no,n) (polite language) (kana only) (See 馴染み) familiar; well-known; regular (e.g. customer); old stand-by |
Variations: |
onajimi おなじみ |
(can be adjective with の) (1) (polite language) (kana only) (See 馴染み) familiar; well-known; regular (e.g. customer); favourite; favorite; (2) (polite language) (kana only) old acquaintance; old friend; (a) regular; regular customer |
Variations: |
otachidai おたちだい |
(1) Balcony of Appearances; balcony where the imperial family appears before the public; (2) (colloquialism) (sports) interview platform; winner's platform; rostrum; (3) (slang) dancing platform (in a disco) |
Variations: |
okazu(p); okazu(sk) おかず(P); オカズ(sk) |
(1) (kana only) {food} small dish (usu. one of several accompanying rice); side dish; (2) (kana only) (colloquialism) {music} fill; fill-in (drumming); (3) (kana only) (vulgar) (slang) (oft. as オカズ) jack-off material; something to masturbate to |
Variations: |
okazu(p); osai(o菜, 御菜); okazu おかず(P); おさい(お菜, 御菜); オカズ |
(1) (kana only) {food} small dish (usu. one of several accompanying rice); side dish; (2) (おかず, オカズ only) (kana only) (colloquialism) {music} fill; fill-in (drumming); (3) (おかず, オカズ only) (kana only) (vulgar) (slang) jack-off material; something to masturbate to |
Variations: |
okashiratsuki おかしらつき |
fish served whole (complete with head and tail) |
Variations: |
osewaninaru おせわになる |
(exp,v5r) (polite language) (oft. used to express gratitude) (See 世話になる) to receive favor; to receive assistance; to receive help; to be looked after; to be taken care of; to become dependent (on); to become much obliged (to someone); to become indebted |
Variations: |
oyasuminasai おやすみなさい |
(expression) (kana only) good night |
Variations: |
omamori おまもり |
charm; amulet |
Variations: |
onesho; onesho おねしょ; オネショ |
(n,vs,vi) (child. language) (kana only) (See 寝小便・ねしょうべん) bed-wetting |
Variations: |
onesho; onesho おねしょ; オネショ |
(n,vs,vi) (child. language) (kana only) (See 寝小便・ねしょうべん) bed-wetting |
Variations: |
okaerinasai おかえりなさい |
(interjection) (stock phrase said when someone comes home) welcome home |
Variations: |
otetsudaisan おてつだいさん |
maid |
Variations: |
otesuudesuga / otesudesuga おてすうですが |
(expression) sorry to bother you, but ... |
Variations: |
okaki おかき |
(kana only) (See 欠き餅) mochi cut thin, dried, and baked or fried |
Variations: |
oiwai おいわい |
(1) (honorific or respectful language) (See 祝い・1) congratulation; congratulations; celebration; festival; (2) (See 祝い・2) congratulatory gift; present |
Variations: |
ojamashimasu おじゃまします |
(expression) (greeting used when entering someone's home) please excuse the intrusion; I'm coming in |
Variations: |
okaki おかき |
(kana only) (See 欠き餅) mochi cut thin, dried, and baked or fried |
Variations: |
osusowake おすそわけ |
(noun, transitive verb) sharing with others what has been given to you; sharing a portion of the profit with others |
Variations: |
otsutomehin おつとめひん |
article offered at a bargain price (mainly of imperfect produce) |
Variations: |
omaru おまる |
(kana only) bedpan; chamber pot; potty |
Variations: |
osobazuki おそばづき |
(rare) servant |
Variations: |
odekake おでかけ |
(1) (honorific or respectful language) (polite language) (oft. used as a greeting in the form of お出かけですか?) (See 出掛け・1) about to start out; just about to leave or go out; (2) outing; trip |
Variations: |
otsuge おつげ |
oracle; revelation; divine message |
Variations: |
otokuisama おとくいさま |
(polite language) regular customer; valued client |
Variations: |
oteage おてあげ |
being done for; giving up; being in a hopeless situation; not knowing what to do; being brought to one's knees; throwing up (one's) hands |
Variations: |
oharaimono おはらいもの |
used item (to be sold to a shop); unwanted goods |
Variations: |
ojamamushi おじゃまむし |
interferer; meddler; buttinsky |
Variations: |
ojamamushi おじゃまむし |
interferer; meddler; buttinsky |
Variations: |
mikata みかた |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (ant: 敵・1) friend; ally; supporter; (n,vs,vi) (2) taking sides (with); supporting; standing by; backing up |
Variations: |
mazegohan まぜごはん |
{food} cooked rice with added ingredients (meat, vegetables, etc.) |
Variations: |
ohayameni おはやめに |
(adverb) (polite language) sooner rather than later; as soon as possible; quickly |
Variations: |
omikoshi おみこし |
(1) (polite language) (See 御輿・1) portable shrine (carried in festivals); (2) (kana only) (See 腰・こし・1) buttocks; lower back; waist; hips |
Variations: |
gozaaru / gozaru ござある |
(v4r,vi) (1) (archaism) (honorific or respectful language) to be; to exist; (v4r,vi) (2) (archaism) (honorific or respectful language) to come; to go; (aux-v,v4r) (3) (archaism) (honorific or respectful language) (after the ~て form of a verb or the particle で) to be (doing) |
Variations: |
miakashi; gotou(御灯); mitou(御灯) / miakashi; goto(御灯); mito(御灯) みあかし; ごとう(御灯); みとう(御灯) |
lighted lamp (or candle, etc.) provided as a religious offering |
Variations: |
osechiryouri / osechiryori おせちりょうり |
{food} osechi; osechi-ryōri; traditional food eaten during the New Year's holidays |
Variations: |
otsukuri おつくり |
(1) sashimi; (2) make-up |
Variations: |
odashi おだし |
(polite language) {food} (See 出し・1) dashi; Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp |
Variations: |
oyobijanai およびじゃない |
(exp,adj-i) unasked for; unnecessary; uninvolved |
Variations: |
otemae おてまえ |
(1) tea-ceremony procedures; skill at serving tea; (2) (お手前 only) skill; dexterity; artistry; ingenuity; (pronoun) (3) (お手前 only) (archaism) (used mainly between samurai of equal rank) you |
Variations: |
otete おてて |
(kana only) (child. language) (See てて) hand; hands |
Variations: |
otemoto おてもと |
(kana only) (often written on the paper wrapper) chopsticks |
Variations: |
okeke おけけ |
(slang) (vulgar) (See 陰毛) pubic hair |
Variations: |
otsukaresama おつかれさま |
(expression) (1) thank you (for your hard work); good work; (expression) (2) see you; goodbye; goodnight |
Variations: |
omeme; omeme おめめ; おメメ |
(child. language) eyes |
Variations: |
gochisousama / gochisosama ごちそうさま |
(interjection) (1) (kana only) thank you (for the meal); that was a delicious meal; (interjection) (2) (kana only) (joc) thank you (for displaying lovey-dovey behaviour) |
Variations: |
osekkaiya おせっかいや |
snoop; meddler; nosey parker; buttinsky; kibbitzer |
Variations: |
ohajiki; ohajiki(sk) おはじき; おハジキ(sk) |
(1) (kana only) ohajiki; traditional children's game similar to marbles, played with coin-shaped pieces of coloured glass or plastic; (2) (kana only) (colloquialism) (See はじき・1) gun; pistol |
Variations: |
ohanashichuu / ohanashichu おはなしちゅう |
(can be adjective with の) (polite language) (See 話中・1) busy (phone) |
Variations: |
otagaisama おたがいさま |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) we are of equal status in this regard; we are in the same boat; (expression) (2) (See こちらこそ) the same to you; the feeling is mutual |
Variations: |
okunikotoba おくにことば |
(polite language) (See 国言葉・1) local dialect; vernacular; provincialism |
Variations: |
otazunemono おたずねもの |
person sought by the police; wanted person; fugitive from justice |
Variations: |
okinodoku おきのどく |
(exp,adj-na) (polite language) (See 気の毒・1) I am sorry (to hear, to say, etc.); a pity |
Variations: |
okagesama おかげさま |
(1) (polite language) (kana only) (as おかげさまで) (See おかげさまで・2) (someone's) assistance; help; aid; kindness; goodwill; (2) (polite language) (kana only) (See おかげ・1) grace (of God); benevolence (of Buddha); blessing |
Variations: |
omikuji おみくじ |
(kana only) fortune slip (usu. bought at a shrine) |
Variations: |
osechiryouri / osechiryori おせちりょうり |
{food} osechi; osechi-ryōri; traditional food eaten during the New Year's holidays |
Variations: |
osandon おさんどん |
(1) (archaism) (kana only) (See お三・おさん・1) kitchen maid; (2) (archaism) (kana only) (See お三・おさん・2) kitchen duties; cooking |
Variations: |
obakeyashiki おばけやしき |
haunted house |
Variations: |
okosama おこさま |
(1) (polite language) (honorific or respectful language) (someone else's) child; (2) child; kid |
Variations: |
okyakusama おきゃくさま |
(1) (honorific or respectful language) guest; visitor; (2) (honorific or respectful language) customer; client; shopper; spectator; audience; tourist; sightseer; passenger |
Variations: |
ozanari おざなり |
(adj-na,adj-no) (kana only) perfunctory; apathetic; makeshift; slapdash; routine; usual |
Variations: |
osuwari おすわり |
(n,vs,vi) (1) (child. language) sitting down; sitting up; (interjection) (2) (dog command) sit! |
Variations: |
okinimesu おきにめす |
(exp,v5s) (honorific or respectful language) (See 気に召す) to like; to prefer; to be pleased by |
Variations: |
onamidachoudai / onamidachodai おなみだちょうだい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) tearjerker; sob story; maudlin tale |
Variations: |
onamidachoudai / onamidachodai おなみだちょうだい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) tearjerker; sob story; maudlin tale |
Variations: |
otamajakushi; otamajakushi おたまじゃくし; オタマジャクシ |
(1) (お玉じゃくし, お玉杓子, 御玉杓子 only) (kana only) ladle; (2) (kana only) tadpole; (3) (kana only) musical note |
Variations: |
otsukaresama おつかれさま |
(expression) (1) thank you (for your hard work); good work; (expression) (2) see you; goodbye; goodnight |
Variations: |
oaiko おあいこ |
(kana only) quits; even; square |
Variations: |
ochaohiku おちゃをひく |
(exp,v5k) (idiom) to have no customers (of a geisha, prostitute, etc.); to have no engagements |
Variations: |
ochakumi おちゃくみ |
(polite language) (See 茶汲み) serving tea (esp. at a company); tea server; tea lady |
Variations: |
ofure おふれ |
(1) official notice; (2) (お触れ only) (hist) (abbreviation) (See お触書) Edo-period proclamation issued by the shogunate (or a daimyo, etc.) usu. to the general populace |
Variations: |
nunoomutsu(布omutsu, 布御襁褓, 布o襁褓); nunoomutsu(布omutsu) ぬのおむつ(布おむつ, 布御襁褓, 布お襁褓); ぬのオムツ(布オムツ) |
cloth diaper; cloth nappy |
Variations: |
okosozukin おこそずきん |
(hist) okoso-zukin; kerchief covering the whole head (except eyes), worn by women in winter from the Edo period until Meiji |
Variations: |
ohitorisama おひとりさま |
(1) (honorific or respectful language) one person; one customer; (2) (colloquialism) (See 負け犬・2) unmarried and childless older woman |
Variations: |
omaera おまえら |
(pronoun) (familiar language) (masculine speech) (See お前・おまえ・1) you (plural) |
Variations: |
otamegokashi おためごかし |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (kana only) self-interested show of kindness; acting selfishly under the guise of kindness |
Variations: |
oatsuraemuki おあつらえむき |
(can be adjective with の) (See 誂え向き) perfect; just right; ideal |
Variations: |
oniai おにあい |
(adj-no,n) well-matched (esp. of a couple); becoming; suitable |
Variations: |
okuninamari おくになまり |
(See 国訛り) one's native dialect |
Variations: |
ohimesama; ohiisama(ok) / ohimesama; ohisama(ok) おひめさま; おひいさま(ok) |
(1) (honorific or respectful language) princess; (2) spoiled girl; hothouse flower; (3) (See 姫糊) glue |
Variations: |
otairani おたいらに |
(expression) please make yourself comfortable; please relax your sitting position |
Variations: |
okuyami おくやみ |
(polite language) condolences |
Variations: |
okuyami おくやみ |
(polite language) condolences |
Variations: |
ohirome おひろめ |
(noun, transitive verb) (polite language) (See 披露目) unveiling; debut; introduction |
Variations: |
otsukisama おつきさま |
(polite language) the Moon |
Variations: |
okimari おきまり |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (See 決まり・3) standard; set; routine; regular; usual; conventional; stereotyped; same old; (expression) (2) (polite language) decided |
Variations: |
obansai; obanzai おばんさい; おばんざい |
(kana only) (See 惣菜・そうざい) Kyoto-style side dish; meal of side dishes |
Variations: |
ometsuke おめつけ |
(1) chaperoning; monitoring someone's behaviour; (2) watchdog; chaperone; watcher |
Variations: |
otsumori おつもり |
last drink (of sake); last glass; last cup |
Variations: |
ochanokosaisai おちゃのこさいさい |
(See お茶の子・1) easy task; piece of cake; cakewalk; cinch; pushover |
Variations: |
ochazuke おちゃづけ |
(polite language) (See 茶漬け) ochazuke; rice with tea poured on it |
Variations: |
omiai おみあい |
(n,vs,vi) (See 見合い・1) (formal) meeting with a view to marriage; interview with a prospective spouse |
Variations: |
omiai おみあい |
(n,vs,vi) (See 見合い・1) (formal) meeting with a view to marriage; interview with a prospective spouse |
Variations: |
omimai おみまい |
(See 見舞い) calling on someone who is ill; enquiry; inquiry |
Variations: |
oyatoigaikokujin おやといがいこくじん |
hired foreigner; foreign advisor hired by the Japanese government for their specialized knowledge to assist in the modernization of Japan at the end of the Bakufu and during the Meiji Era |
Variations: |
gomenasobase ごめんあそばせ |
(expression) (kana only) (polite language) (feminine speech) I beg your pardon |
Variations: |
obocchama おぼっちゃま |
(1) (honorific or respectful language) (See 坊ちゃん・1) (another's) son; boy; young master; (2) (See 坊ちゃん・2) green young man from a well-to-do family; young man innocent of the ways of the world |
Variations: |
oneesan おねえさん |
(1) (honorific or respectful language) (usu. お姉さん) (See 姉さん・1) older sister; elder sister; (2) (vocative) (See 姉さん・2) young lady; (3) (referring to a waitress, etc.; usu. お姐さん) (See 姉さん・3) miss; (4) (used by geisha to refer to their superiors; usu. お姐さん) (See 姉さん・4) ma'am; (5) older girl |
Variations: |
oyakugomen おやくごめん |
(1) dismissal (from one's post); firing; being relieved from one's post; being relieved of a duty; (2) discarding; throwing away; becoming useless |
Variations: |
okagede おかげで |
(expression) (kana only) (See お陰・3) thanks to ...; owing to ...; because of ... |
Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.