There are 543 total results for your 程 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
123456Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
改革過程 see styles |
kaikakukatei / kaikakukate かいかくかてい |
reform process |
政治過程 see styles |
seijikatei / sejikate せいじかてい |
political process |
教職課程 see styles |
kyoushokukatei / kyoshokukate きょうしょくかてい |
teacher-training curriculum |
教育課程 see styles |
kyouikukatei / kyoikukate きょういくかてい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) curriculum |
教養課程 see styles |
kyouyoukatei / kyoyokate きょうようかてい |
general education course |
断熱過程 see styles |
dannetsukatei / dannetsukate だんねつかてい |
{physics} adiabatic process |
方程式系 see styles |
houteishikikei / hoteshikike ほうていしきけい |
{math} system of equations |
旅行日程 see styles |
ryokounittei / ryokonitte りょこうにってい |
itinerary |
日夜兼程 see styles |
rì yè jiān chéng ri4 ye4 jian1 cheng2 jih yeh chien ch`eng jih yeh chien cheng |
to travel day and night |
映射過程 映射过程 see styles |
yìng shè guò chéng ying4 she4 guo4 cheng2 ying she kuo ch`eng ying she kuo cheng |
mapping process |
時間進程 时间进程 see styles |
shí jiān jìn chéng shi2 jian1 jin4 cheng2 shih chien chin ch`eng shih chien chin cheng |
time course |
普及過程 see styles |
fukyuukatei / fukyukate ふきゅうかてい |
{comp} diffusion process |
普通課程 see styles |
futsuukatei / futsukate ふつうかてい |
general education curriculum |
機械工程 机械工程 see styles |
jī xiè gōng chéng ji1 xie4 gong1 cheng2 chi hsieh kung ch`eng chi hsieh kung cheng |
mechanical engineering |
檢證程序 检证程序 see styles |
jiǎn zhèng chéng xù jian3 zheng4 cheng2 xu4 chien cheng ch`eng hsü chien cheng cheng hsü |
procedure of verification (accountancy) |
水利工程 see styles |
shuǐ lì gōng chéng shui3 li4 gong1 cheng2 shui li kung ch`eng shui li kung cheng |
hydraulic engineering |
泛定方程 see styles |
fàn dìng fāng chéng fan4 ding4 fang1 cheng2 fan ting fang ch`eng fan ting fang cheng |
universal differential equation |
減壓程序 减压程序 see styles |
jiǎn yā chéng xù jian3 ya1 cheng2 xu4 chien ya ch`eng hsü chien ya cheng hsü |
decompression schedule |
生物工程 see styles |
shēng wù gōng chéng sheng1 wu4 gong1 cheng2 sheng wu kung ch`eng sheng wu kung cheng |
bioengineering; genetic engineering |
生産工程 see styles |
seisankoutei / sesankote せいさんこうてい |
production process; industrial operation |
真偽の程 see styles |
shinginohodo しんぎのほど |
(expression) whether it is true or not |
知能程度 see styles |
chinouteido / chinotedo ちのうていど |
intellectual standard; how intelligent one is |
研製過程 研制过程 see styles |
yán zhì guò chéng yan2 zhi4 guo4 cheng2 yen chih kuo ch`eng yen chih kuo cheng |
manufacturing environment |
確率過程 see styles |
kakuritsukatei / kakuritsukate かくりつかてい |
{math} stochastic process |
秋月程賢 see styles |
akizukiteiken / akizukiteken あきづきていけん |
(person) Akizuki Teiken (1932.4-) |
積分方程 积分方程 see styles |
jī fēn fāng chéng ji1 fen1 fang1 cheng2 chi fen fang ch`eng chi fen fang cheng |
integral equation (math.) |
結合過程 结合过程 see styles |
jié hé guò chéng jie2 he2 guo4 cheng2 chieh ho kuo ch`eng chieh ho kuo cheng |
cohesive process(es) |
線性方程 线性方程 see styles |
xiàn xìng fāng chéng xian4 xing4 fang1 cheng2 hsien hsing fang ch`eng hsien hsing fang cheng |
linear equation (math.) |
自由旅程 see styles |
jiyuuryotei / jiyuryote じゆうりょてい |
multi-city flight |
補足音程 补足音程 see styles |
bǔ zú yīn chéng bu3 zu2 yin1 cheng2 pu tsu yin ch`eng pu tsu yin cheng |
complementary interval; addition musical interval adding to an octave |
製造工程 see styles |
seizoukoutei / sezokote せいぞうこうてい |
manufacturing process |
製造過程 see styles |
seizoukatei / sezokate せいぞうかてい |
manufacturing process; production manufacture |
設計程序 设计程序 see styles |
shè jì chéng xù she4 ji4 cheng2 xu4 she chi ch`eng hsü she chi cheng hsü |
design process |
設計程式 设计程式 see styles |
shè jì chéng shì she4 ji4 cheng2 shi4 she chi ch`eng shih she chi cheng shih |
programming |
試験工程 see styles |
shikenkoutei / shikenkote しけんこうてい |
{comp} test process; test stage; test period |
課程博士 see styles |
kateihakase; kateihakushi / katehakase; katehakushi かていはかせ; かていはくし |
(See 論文博士) doctoral degree (e.g. PhD) after completing a course of study |
議事日程 议事日程 see styles |
yì shì rì chéng yi4 shi4 ri4 cheng2 i shih jih ch`eng i shih jih cheng gijinittei / gijinitte ぎじにってい |
agenda agenda; calendar of proceedings; order of the day |
資訊工程 资讯工程 see styles |
zī xùn gōng chéng zi1 xun4 gong1 cheng2 tzu hsün kung ch`eng tzu hsün kung cheng |
information engineering (Tw) |
轉變過程 转变过程 see styles |
zhuǎn biàn guò chéng zhuan3 bian4 guo4 cheng2 chuan pien kuo ch`eng chuan pien kuo cheng |
process of change |
透明程度 see styles |
tòu míng chéng dù tou4 ming2 cheng2 du4 t`ou ming ch`eng tu tou ming cheng tu |
transparency |
通識課程 通识课程 see styles |
tōng shí kè chéng tong1 shi2 ke4 cheng2 t`ung shih k`o ch`eng tung shih ko cheng |
general course; general education course; core course; general curriculum; general education curriculum; core curriculum |
進行編程 进行编程 see styles |
jìn xíng biān chéng jin4 xing2 bian1 cheng2 chin hsing pien ch`eng chin hsing pien cheng |
executable program |
運動方程 运动方程 see styles |
yùn dòng fāng chéng yun4 dong4 fang1 cheng2 yün tung fang ch`eng yün tung fang cheng |
equations of motion |
道路工程 see styles |
dào lù gōng chéng dao4 lu4 gong1 cheng2 tao lu kung ch`eng tao lu kung cheng |
road construction |
遠程導彈 远程导弹 see styles |
yuǎn chéng dǎo dàn yuan3 cheng2 dao3 dan4 yüan ch`eng tao tan yüan cheng tao tan |
long distance missile |
遠程登錄 远程登录 see styles |
yuǎn chéng dēng lù yuan3 cheng2 deng1 lu4 yüan ch`eng teng lu yüan cheng teng lu |
telnet; rlogin; remote login |
遠程監控 远程监控 see styles |
yuǎn chéng jiān kòng yuan3 cheng2 jian1 kong4 yüan ch`eng chien k`ung yüan cheng chien kung |
RMON; remote monitoring |
選考過程 see styles |
senkoukatei / senkokate せんこうかてい |
selection process; screening process |
遺傳工程 遗传工程 see styles |
yí chuán gōng chéng yi2 chuan2 gong1 cheng2 i ch`uan kung ch`eng i chuan kung cheng |
genetic engineering |
金盾工程 see styles |
jīn dùn gōng chéng jin1 dun4 gong1 cheng2 chin tun kung ch`eng chin tun kung cheng |
Golden Shield Project, information system for censorship and surveillance, thought to include the Great Firewall of China 防火長城|防火长城[Fang2 huo3 Chang2 cheng2] as a component |
錦繡前程 锦绣前程 see styles |
jǐn xiù qián chéng jin3 xiu4 qian2 cheng2 chin hsiu ch`ien ch`eng chin hsiu chien cheng |
bright future; bright prospects |
開發過程 开发过程 see styles |
kāi fā guò chéng kai1 fa1 guo4 cheng2 k`ai fa kuo ch`eng kai fa kuo cheng |
development process |
電子工程 电子工程 see styles |
diàn zǐ gōng chéng dian4 zi3 gong1 cheng2 tien tzu kung ch`eng tien tzu kung cheng |
electronic engineering |
電氣工程 电气工程 see styles |
diàn qì gōng chéng dian4 qi4 gong1 cheng2 tien ch`i kung ch`eng tien chi kung cheng |
electrical engineering |
驅動程序 驱动程序 see styles |
qū dòng chéng xù qu1 dong4 cheng2 xu4 ch`ü tung ch`eng hsü chü tung cheng hsü |
device driver (computing software) |
鵬程万里 see styles |
houteibanri / hotebanri ほうていばんり |
(yoji) (over) a great distance; (a long journey (flight, voyage)) to (from) a faraway place |
鵬程萬里 鹏程万里 see styles |
péng chéng wàn lǐ peng2 cheng2 wan4 li3 p`eng ch`eng wan li peng cheng wan li |
More info & calligraphy: A Bright Future |
程なくして see styles |
hodonakushite ほどなくして |
(expression) (kana only) (See 程なく) after a short while; not long after; soon; before long; shortly thereafter |
程を過ごす see styles |
hodoosugosu ほどをすごす |
(exp,v5s) to go too far; to break bounds |
程式管理員 程式管理员 see styles |
chéng shì guǎn lǐ yuán cheng2 shi4 guan3 li3 yuan2 ch`eng shih kuan li yüan cheng shih kuan li yüan |
program manager (Windows) |
程控交換機 程控交换机 see styles |
chéng kòng jiāo huàn jī cheng2 kong4 jiao1 huan4 ji1 ch`eng k`ung chiao huan chi cheng kung chiao huan chi |
electronic switching system (telecom.); stored program control exchange (SPC) |
Variations: |
joutei / jote じょうてい |
(noun, transitive verb) introducing (a bill); presentation; departure on a journey |
Variations: |
sahodo さほど |
(adverb) (kana only) (usu. with a negative verb) (not) so; (not) particularly; (not) very; (not) that much |
おどろく程 see styles |
odorokuhodo おどろくほど |
(exp,adv) to a surprising degree; to a remarkable extent; surprisingly; astonishingly; amazingly; alarmingly |
一次方程式 see styles |
yī cì fāng chéng shì yi1 ci4 fang1 cheng2 shi4 i tz`u fang ch`eng shih i tzu fang cheng shih ichijihouteishiki / ichijihoteshiki いちじほうていしき |
(math.) linear equation {math} linear equation |
一級方程式 一级方程式 see styles |
yī jí fāng chéng shì yi1 ji2 fang1 cheng2 shi4 i chi fang ch`eng shih i chi fang cheng shih |
Formula One |
三次方程式 see styles |
sanjihouteishiki / sanjihoteshiki さんじほうていしき |
{math} cubic equation |
不定方程式 see styles |
futeihouteishiki / futehoteshiki ふていほうていしき |
indeterminate equation |
丟番圖方程 丢番图方程 see styles |
diū fān tú fāng chéng diu1 fan1 tu2 fang1 cheng2 tiu fan t`u fang ch`eng tiu fan tu fang cheng |
(math.) Diophantine equation |
中國工程院 中国工程院 see styles |
zhōng guó gōng chéng yuàn zhong1 guo2 gong1 cheng2 yuan4 chung kuo kung ch`eng yüan chung kuo kung cheng yüan |
Chinese Academy of Engineering |
事程左様に see styles |
kotohodosayouni / kotohodosayoni ことほどさように |
(exp,adv) so ... that ...; to that extent; to that degree |
二元方程式 see styles |
nigenhouteishiki / nigenhoteshiki にげんほうていしき |
{math} equation with two unknowns |
二次方程式 see styles |
nijihouteishiki / nijihoteshiki にじほうていしき |
quadratic equation |
二項方程式 see styles |
nikouhouteishiki / nikohoteshiki にこうほうていしき |
{math} binomial equation |
五次方程式 see styles |
gojihouteishiki / gojihoteshiki ごじほうていしき |
{math} quintic equation |
代数方程式 see styles |
daisuuhouteishiki / daisuhoteshiki だいすうほうていしき |
{math} algebraic equation |
偏微分方程 see styles |
piān wēi fēn fāng chéng pian1 wei1 fen1 fang1 cheng2 p`ien wei fen fang ch`eng pien wei fen fang cheng |
partial differential equation (PDE) |
全端工程師 全端工程师 see styles |
quán duān gōng chéng shī quan2 duan1 gong1 cheng2 shi1 ch`üan tuan kung ch`eng shih chüan tuan kung cheng shih |
full-stack developer (computing) |
共享程序庫 共享程序库 see styles |
gòng xiǎng chéng xù kù gong4 xiang3 cheng2 xu4 ku4 kung hsiang ch`eng hsü k`u kung hsiang cheng hsü ku |
shared library (computing) |
刁藩都方程 see styles |
diāo fān dōu fāng chéng diao1 fan1 dou1 fang1 cheng2 tiao fan tou fang ch`eng tiao fan tou fang cheng |
Diophantine equation |
前平衡過程 see styles |
zenheikoukatei / zenhekokate ぜんへいこうかてい |
{physics} preequilibrium process |
化学方程式 see styles |
kagakuhouteishiki / kagakuhoteshiki かがくほうていしき |
chemical equation |
化學方程式 化学方程式 see styles |
huà xué fāng chéng shì hua4 xue2 fang1 cheng2 shi4 hua hsüeh fang ch`eng shih hua hsüeh fang cheng shih |
chemical equation See: 化学方程式 |
否という程 see styles |
iyatoiuhodo いやというほど |
(exp,n-adv) (1) (more than) enough; too much; (exp,adv) (2) bitterly; extremely; keenly |
多元方程式 see styles |
tagenhouteishiki / tagenhoteshiki たげんほうていしき |
hypercomplex equation; plural equation |
多項式方程 多项式方程 see styles |
duō xiàng shì fāng chéng duo1 xiang4 shi4 fang1 cheng2 to hsiang shih fang ch`eng to hsiang shih fang cheng |
(math.) polynomial equation |
嫌という程 see styles |
iyatoiuhodo いやというほど |
(exp,n-adv) (1) (more than) enough; too much; (exp,adv) (2) bitterly; extremely; keenly |
差分方程式 see styles |
sabunhouteishiki / sabunhoteshiki さぶんほうていしき |
{math} difference equation |
常微分方程 see styles |
cháng wēi fēn fāng chéng chang2 wei1 fen1 fang1 cheng2 ch`ang wei fen fang ch`eng chang wei fen fang cheng |
ordinary differential equation (ODE) |
微分方程式 see styles |
bibunhouteishiki / bibunhoteshiki びぶんほうていしき |
{math} differential equation |
攜程旅行網 携程旅行网 see styles |
xié chéng lǚ xíng wǎng xie2 cheng2 lu:3 xing2 wang3 hsieh ch`eng lü hsing wang hsieh cheng lü hsing wang |, PRC travel agency |
支配方程式 see styles |
shihaihouteishiki / shihaihoteshiki しはいほうていしき |
governing equation |
斯かる程に see styles |
kakaruhodoni かかるほどに |
(conjunction) (archaism) even now |
波動方程式 see styles |
hadouhouteishiki / hadohoteshiki はどうほうていしき |
wave equation |
無理方程式 see styles |
murihouteishiki / murihoteshiki むりほうていしき |
{math} irrational equation |
状態方程式 see styles |
joutaihouteishiki / jotaihoteshiki じょうたいほうていしき |
{chem;physics} equation of state |
生物工程學 生物工程学 see styles |
shēng wù gōng chéng xué sheng1 wu4 gong1 cheng2 xue2 sheng wu kung ch`eng hsüeh sheng wu kung cheng hsüeh |
biotechnology |
申し訳程度 see styles |
moushiwaketeido / moshiwaketedo もうしわけていど |
(can be adjective with の) (oft. a humble ref. to a gift) poor excuse (of a); nearly non-existent; barely sufficient; token (effort, etc.); symbolic |
知識工程師 知识工程师 see styles |
zhī shi gōng chéng shī zhi1 shi5 gong1 cheng2 shi1 chih shih kung ch`eng shih chih shih kung cheng shih |
knowledge worker |
確定的過程 see styles |
kakuteitekikatei / kakutetekikate かくていてきかてい |
{comp} deterministic process |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "程" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.