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...3031323334353637383940...Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
Variations: |
otsugi おつぎ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (polite language) (honorific or respectful language) (See 次・1) next; next person; (2) (archaism) (abbr. お次の間) room adjoining a noble's parlor |
Variations: |
okaa / oka おかあ |
(polite language) (kana only) mother |
Variations: |
omizu おみず |
(1) (polite language) water; (drinking) water; (glass of) water; (2) (colloquialism) (See 水商売・2) night entertainment business; nightlife worker; hostess; (adjectival noun) (3) (slang) racy; titillating; sexy; suggestive |
Variations: |
otsuyu; otsuke(gikun) おつゆ; おつけ(gikun) |
(polite language) (See 汁・2) broth; soup (esp. miso soup) |
Variations: |
oyu おゆ |
(1) (polite language) hot water; (2) (polite language) hot bath |
Variations: |
okyuu / okyu おきゅう |
(1) (polite language) moxibustion; (2) (See お灸を据える・1) chastisement; scolding |
Variations: |
osen おせん |
(abbr. of お煎餅) (See 煎餅) (Japanese) rice cracker; senbei |
Variations: |
onetsu おねつ |
(See 熱を上げる・ねつをあげる) having a crush on someone |
Variations: |
otou / oto おとう |
(honorific or respectful language) (familiar language) (abbreviation) (See お父さん・1) daddy; father; husband |
Variations: |
otama おたま |
(1) (kana only) (abbreviation) (See お玉杓子・1) ladle; (2) (kana only) (See 玉子・2) (hen's) egg |
Variations: |
onama おなま |
(noun or adjectival noun) (feminine speech) (See 生・なま・6) impudence; sauciness |
Variations: |
obon おぼん |
(1) Obon; Bon Festival; Buddhist festival for honouring the spirits of one's ancestors, held in mid-August or in some regions, mid-July; (2) (polite language) (See 盆・1) tray |
Variations: |
ome おめ |
(1) (honorific or respectful language) (See 目・1) eye; eyes; (2) (See 目・2) sight; vision; looking |
Variations: |
owan おわん |
(polite language) (See 碗・1) bowl (ceramic, porcelain) |
Variations: |
okome おこめ |
(See 米・1) (husked grains of) rice |
Variations: |
okayu おかゆ |
thin rice porridge; watery cooked rice; rice gruel; congee |
Variations: |
okyou / okyo おきょう |
(polite language) {Buddh} (See 経) sutra |
Variations: |
onawa おなわ |
(See 縄・2) policeman's rope |
Variations: |
okoshi おこし |
(1) (honorific or respectful language) (See 腰・1) buttocks; lower back; waist; hips; (2) (feminine speech) (See 腰巻) kimono underskirt |
Variations: |
ohana おはな |
(1) (See 生け花・1) ikebana; Japanese art of flower arrangement; (2) (polite language) flower |
Variations: |
osai おさい |
(polite language) (See 菜) side dish |
Variations: |
ohagi おはぎ |
(kana only) {food} rice ball coated with sweetened red beans, soybean flour or sesame |
Variations: |
ousu / osu おうす |
(See 抹茶) weak matcha |
Variations: |
okuruma おくるま |
(polite language) car |
Variations: |
oshaku おしゃく |
(n,vs,vi) (1) pouring alcohol; (2) person pouring alcohol for guests or customers (typically a woman); (3) (apprentice) geisha; dancing girl |
Variations: |
okotsu; ohone(ik) おこつ; おほね(ik) |
(honorific or respectful language) (See 骨・3) cremated remains (esp. the bones); ashes |
Variations: |
ohako; juuhachiban(十八番)(p) / ohako; juhachiban(十八番)(p) おはこ; じゅうはちばん(十八番)(P) |
(1) one's favourite party trick (favorite); one's specialty; one's forte; (2) (じゅうはちばん only) No. 18; eighteenth; (3) (じゅうはちばん only) (abbreviation) (See 歌舞伎十八番) repertoire of 18 kabuki plays |
Variations: |
sumemima すめみま |
(1) (archaism) grandchild of Amaterasu (i.e. Ninigi no Mikoto); (2) descendant of Amaterasu; person of imperial lineage; emperor |
Variations: |
oshikise おしきせ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) uniforms provided for workers (by the employer); (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) something forced upon one; something imposed on one |
Variations: |
oshioki おしおき |
(noun, transitive verb) (1) punishment (of children); spanking; smacking; scolding; (noun, transitive verb) (2) (hist) (See 仕置き・2) criminal punishment (esp. execution; Edo period) |
Variations: |
otogizoushi / otogizoshi おとぎぞうし |
(See 伽草子) fairy-tale book |
Variations: |
omaesan おまえさん |
(pronoun) (1) (polite language) you; (2) (familiar language) (vocative) hubby; dearie |
Variations: |
obakegoyomi おばけごよみ |
(archaism) private traditional calendar published illegally (Edo period) |
Variations: |
omeshimono おめしもの |
(polite language) clothing |
Variations: |
oyobare およばれ |
being invited |
Variations: |
okunikotoba おくにことば |
(polite language) (See 国言葉・1) local dialect; vernacular; provincialism |
Variations: |
osumitsuki おすみつき |
(1) (See 墨付き・1) certificate; certified document; authorization; authorisation; (2) (the) thumbs up; seal of approval; (3) (original meaning) (See 墨付き・3) paper with signature of the shogun or lord |
Variations: |
otenkiya おてんきや |
(See 天気屋) moody person; temperamental person; fickle person |
Variations: |
okosan おこさん |
(honorific or respectful language) child |
Variations: |
omagosan おまごさん |
(honorific or respectful language) grandchild |
Variations: |
okyakusan おきゃくさん |
(1) (honorific or respectful language) guest; visitor; (2) (honorific or respectful language) customer; client; shopper; spectator; audience; tourist; sightseer; passenger |
Variations: |
omiyamairi おみやまいり |
(noun/participle) (1) (See 宮参り・1) miyamairi; newborn child's first visit to a shrine (within about 30 days of being born); (noun/participle) (2) (See 宮参り・2) visiting a shrine |
Variations: |
oiesoudou / oiesodo おいえそうどう |
(1) family trouble (quarrel); domestic squabble; (2) (hist) (orig. meaning) internal squabble (over headship rights) in a daimyo family in the Edo period |
Variations: |
oterasan おてらさん |
(honorific or respectful language) (colloquialism) (See お寺様) monk |
Variations: |
otazunemono おたずねもの |
person sought by the police; wanted person; fugitive from justice |
Variations: |
onedari おねだり |
(kana only) (polite language) (See 強請り) begging; pestering; pleading; coaxing |
Variations: |
otemotokin おてもときん |
privy purse; money used for private purposes by the members of the Imperial family |
Variations: |
otemori おてもり |
making arbitrary decisions which benefit oneself; self-approved plan |
Variations: |
oharaimono おはらいもの |
goods to offer the junk dealer |
Variations: |
oharaibako おはらいばこ |
discarding; firing (an employee) |
Variations: |
omotase おもたせ |
(honorific or respectful language) (kana only) (abbreviation) (See 御持たせ物) gift received from a visitor (usu. used when offering the visitor to partake of part of that gift) |
Variations: |
otanoshimi おたのしみ |
(polite language) (See 楽しみ) enjoyment; pleasure; diversion; amusement; hobby |
Variations: |
omizutori おみずとり |
water-drawing ceremony (performed at Tōdaiji on March 13); rite of drawing sacred water |
Variations: |
onamidachoudai / onamidachodai おなみだちょうだい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) tearjerker; sob story; maudlin tale |
Variations: |
oshitoyaka おしとやか |
(adjectival noun) (kana only) (See 淑やか) graceful; ladylike; modest; gentle; polite; quiet; well-mannered; refined (behavior) |
Variations: |
omedoori おめどおり |
(noun/participle) audience (with a person of high standing) |
Variations: |
oreimairi / oremairi おれいまいり |
(1) visiting a shrine or temple to give thanks; (2) settling scores |
Variations: |
oreiboukou / oreboko おれいぼうこう |
free service after one has finished one's apprenticeship |
Variations: |
ozendate おぜんだて |
(n,vs,vt,vi) (1) setting the table; laying the table; (n,vs,vt,vi) (2) (idiom) setting up; getting one's ducks in a row; running interference; setting the stage |
Variations: |
oironaoshi おいろなおし |
(noun/participle) changing one's dress (e.g. at the wedding reception) |
Variations: |
ochappa おちゃっぱ |
tea leaves |
Variations: |
ochanoko おちゃのこ |
(1) cinch; pushover; easy matter; piece of cake; (2) light snack; cake served with tea |
Variations: |
okurairi おくらいり |
(noun/participle) (1) (idiom) being postponed; being shelved; being put on hold; (noun/participle) (2) (lit. meaning) putting in storage; thing put in storage |
Variations: |
omitooshi おみとおし |
seeing through (a trick, someone's mind, etc.) |
Variations: |
otanjoukai / otanjokai おたんじょうかい |
(See 誕生会) birthday party |
Variations: |
omakeni おまけに |
(conj,exp) (kana only) to make matters worse; besides; what's more; in addition; on top of that |
Variations: |
ojamamushi おじゃまむし |
interferer; meddler; buttinsky |
Variations: |
otonarisan おとなりさん |
(polite language) (See 隣・2) (next-door) neighbour; neighbor |
Variations: |
gotabouchuu / gotabochu ごたぼうちゅう |
(expression) (polite language) (phrase used in business letters, etc.) excuse me for interrupting you when you are so busy |
Variations: |
goikenban ごいけんばん |
advisor; adviser (to a lord, etc.); wise counselor allowed to speak to a lord without restraint |
Variations: |
goshinsetsuni ごしんせつに |
(expression) (1) how kind of you; that's very nice of you; (adverb) (2) (polite language) kindly |
Variations: |
soregoran それごらん |
(expression) (rare) (used when someone ignores your advice and ultimately fails at something) (See それ見たことか) well, look at that |
Variations: |
degozaru でござる |
(exp,v4r) (kana only) (polite language) (polite copula) (See ご座る・1) be; is |
Variations: |
tenkagomen てんかごめん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) licensed; chartered; officially allowed; legitimate |
Variations: |
matsutakegohan まつたけごはん |
rice cooked with matsutake |
Variations: |
itamegohan いためごはん |
{food} (See 炒め飯・いためめし) fried rice |
Variations: |
kaminomiko かみのみこ |
(exp,n) (1) (honorific or respectful language) {Christn} Son of God; Jesus Christ; (exp,n) (2) (honorific or respectful language) child of an emperor |
Variations: |
kikunogomon きくのごもん |
(exp,n) imperial chrysanthemum crest |
Variations: |
aoinogomon あおいのごもん |
(exp,n) wild ginger trefoil family crest (of the Tokugawa clan); triple hollyhock family crest |
アセンブラ制御命令 see styles |
asenburaseigyomeirei / asenburasegyomere アセンブラせいぎょめいれい |
{comp} assembler control instruction |
エラー制御ロジック see styles |
eraaseigyorojikku / erasegyorojikku エラーせいぎょロジック |
{comp} error-control logic |
キーボード制御装置 see styles |
kiiboodoseigyosouchi / kiboodosegyosochi キーボードせいぎょそうち |
{comp} keyboard controller |
シリコン制御整流器 see styles |
shirikonseigyoseiryuuki / shirikonsegyoseryuki シリコンせいぎょせいりゅうき |
(See SCR) silicon controlled rectifier; SCR |
データ交換制御装置 see styles |
deetakoukanseigyosouchi / deetakokansegyosochi データこうかんせいぎょそうち |
{comp} DXC; Data Exchange Controller |
フィードバック制御 see styles |
fiidobakkuseigyo / fidobakkusegyo フィードバックせいぎょ |
feedback control |
プリンタ制御コード see styles |
purintaseigyokoodo / purintasegyokoodo プリンタせいぎょコード |
{comp} printer control code |
伝送制御プロトコル see styles |
densouseigyopurotokoru / densosegyopurotokoru でんそうせいぎょプロトコル |
{comp} Transmission Control Protocol; TCP |
使用パラメータ制御 see styles |
shiyouparameetaseigyo / shiyoparameetasegyo しようパラメータせいぎょ |
{comp} user parameter control; UPC |
入出力制御システム see styles |
nyuushutsuryokuseigyoshisutemu / nyushutsuryokusegyoshisutemu にゅうしゅつりょくせいぎょシステム |
{comp} Input; Output Control System; IOCS |
国仲御嶽の植物群落 see styles |
kuninakaotakenoshokubutsugunraku くになかおたけのしょくぶつぐんらく |
(place-name) Kuninakaotakenoshokubutsugunraku |
国民宿舎御池ロッジ see styles |
kokuminshukushamiikerojji / kokuminshukushamikerojji こくみんしゅくしゃみいけロッジ |
(place-name) Kokuminshukushamiikerojji |
基本制御プログラム see styles |
kihonseigyopuroguramu / kihonsegyopuroguramu きほんせいぎょプログラム |
{comp} BCP; Basic Control Program |
大原・御宿ゴルフ場 see styles |
ooharaonjukugorufujou / ooharaonjukugorufujo おおはらおんじゅくゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Ooharaonjuku Golf Links |
安徳天皇御陵参考地 see styles |
antokutennougoryousankouchi / antokutennogoryosankochi あんとくてんのうごりょうさんこうち |
(place-name) Antokutennougoryōsankouchi |
安徳天皇西市御陵墓 see styles |
antokutennounishiichigoryoubo / antokutennonishichigoryobo あんとくてんのうにしいちごりょうぼ |
(place-name) Antokutennounishiichigoryōbo |
富士御殿場ゴルフ場 see styles |
fujigotenbagorufujou / fujigotenbagorufujo ふじごてんばゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Fujigotenba Golf Links |
岩手大学御明神牧場 see styles |
iwatedaigakugomyoujinbokujou / iwatedaigakugomyojinbokujo いわてだいがくごみょうじんぼくじょう |
(place-name) Iwatedaigakugomyoujinbokujō |
嵯峨広沢御所ノ内町 see styles |
sagahirosawagoshonouchichou / sagahirosawagoshonochicho さがひろさわごしょのうちちょう |
(place-name) Sagahirosawagoshonouchichō |
常駐制御プログラム see styles |
jouchuuseigyopuroguramu / jochusegyopuroguramu じょうちゅうせいぎょプログラム |
{comp} nucleus; resident control program |
戸沢歴代藩主御廟所 see styles |
tozawarekidaihanshuonbyoujo / tozawarekidaihanshuonbyojo とざわれきだいはんしゅおんびょうじょ |
(place-name) Tozawarekidaihanshuonbyōjo |
Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.