There are 320 total results for your 倶 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
1234Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
戒乘倶急 see styles |
jiè shèng jù jí jie4 sheng4 ju4 ji2 chieh sheng chü chi kaijō gukyū |
to apply great effort to both wisdom and morality |
戒乘倶緩 戒乘倶缓 see styles |
jiè shèng jù huǎn jie4 sheng4 ju4 huan3 chieh sheng chü huan kai jō kugan |
relaxed both in the observance of precepts and the cultivation of wisdom |
摩男倶利 see styles |
mó nán jù lì mo2 nan2 ju4 li4 mo nan chü li Madanguri |
Mahānāman |
有倶不成 see styles |
yǒu jù bù chéng you3 ju4 bu4 cheng2 yu chü pu ch`eng yu chü pu cheng ugu fujō |
there is disagreement on both sides |
有無倶相 有无倶相 see styles |
yǒu wú jù xiàng you3 wu2 ju4 xiang4 yu wu chü hsiang umu kusō |
simultaneously with and without marks |
本倶登山 see styles |
ponkutosan ぽんくとさん |
(personal name) Ponkutosan |
梨倶吠陀 see styles |
lí jù fèi tuó li2 ju4 fei4 tuo2 li chü fei t`o li chü fei to Rigu Beida |
Ṛg-veda |
止觀倶行 止观倶行 see styles |
zhǐ guān jù xíng zhi3 guan1 ju4 xing2 chih kuan chü hsing shikan gugyō |
practice both śamatha and vipaśyanā side by side |
烏倶婆誐 乌倶婆誐 see styles |
wū jù pó é wu1 ju4 po2 e2 wu chü p`o o wu chü po o Okubaga |
Ugra-bhaga, formidable or fierce lord, one of the eight servants of 不動明王 q.v. |
無倶不成 无倶不成 see styles |
wú jù bù chéng wu2 ju4 bu4 cheng2 wu chü pu ch`eng wu chü pu cheng mu ku fujō |
neither are established |
菊岡倶也 see styles |
kikuokatomoya きくおかともや |
(person) Kikuoka Tomoya (1937.2.13-) |
說倶胝數 说倶胝数 see styles |
shuō jù zhī shǔ shuo1 ju4 zhi1 shu3 shuo chü chih shu setsu kuchi shu |
said to be ten million-fold |
阿吒薄倶 阿咤薄倶 see styles |
ā zhà bó jù a1 zha4 bo2 ju4 a cha po chü Atahagu |
Āṭavika |
黑白倶業 see styles |
hēi bái jù yè hei1 bai2 ju4 ye4 hei pai chü yeh |
concurrent negative and positive karma |
倶不極成過 倶不极成过 see styles |
jù bù jí chéng guò ju4 bu4 ji2 cheng2 guo4 chü pu chi ch`eng kuo chü pu chi cheng kuo kufu gokujō ka |
fallacy of non-agreement on both |
倶利伽羅峠 see styles |
kurikaratouge / kurikaratoge くりからとうげ |
(place-name) Kurikaratōge |
倶利伽羅谷 see styles |
kurikaradani くりからだに |
(place-name) Kurikaradani |
倶利伽羅駅 see styles |
kurikaraeki くりからえき |
(st) Kurikara Station |
倶品一分轉 倶品一分转 see styles |
jù pǐn yī fēn zhuǎn ju4 pin3 yi1 fen1 zhuan3 chü p`in i fen chuan chü pin i fen chuan kuhon ichibun ten |
both-partial |
倶時不頓生 倶时不顿生 see styles |
jù shí bù dùn shēng ju4 shi2 bu4 dun4 sheng1 chü shih pu tun sheng kuji futon shō |
do not simultaneously come into being |
倶時頓生起 倶时顿生起 see styles |
jù shí dùn shēng qǐ ju4 shi2 dun4 sheng1 qi3 chü shih tun sheng ch`i chü shih tun sheng chi kuji ton shōki |
arises instantly and simultaneously |
倶毘留波叉 倶毗留波叉 see styles |
jù pí liú bō chā ju4 pi2 liu2 bo1 cha1 chü p`i liu po ch`a chü pi liu po cha Kubiruhasha |
Defined variously, but in indicative of Virūpākṣa, the three-eyed Śiva; the guardian ruler of the West, v. 毘. |
倶生人我執 倶生人我执 see styles |
jù shēng rén wǒ zhí ju4 sheng1 ren2 wo3 zhi2 chü sheng jen wo chih gushō ninga shū |
innate grasping of self and person |
倶生法我執 倶生法我执 see styles |
jù shēng fǎ wǒ zhí ju4 sheng1 fa3 wo3 zhi2 chü sheng fa wo chih gushō hōga shū |
innate grasping at the self of a phenomenon |
倶生起煩惱 倶生起烦恼 see styles |
jù shēng qǐ fán nǎo ju4 sheng1 qi3 fan2 nao3 chü sheng ch`i fan nao chü sheng chi fan nao kushōki bonnō |
innate afflictions |
倶知安温泉 see styles |
kucchanonsen くっちゃんおんせん |
(place-name) Kucchan'onsen |
倶胝那庾多 see styles |
jù zhī nà yǔ duō ju4 zhi1 na4 yu3 duo1 chü chih na yü to kuchi nayuta |
millions of billions |
倶胝那由他 see styles |
jù zhī nà yóu tā ju4 zhi1 na4 you2 ta1 chü chih na yu t`a chü chih na yu ta kuchi nayuta |
millions of billions |
倶蘇摩摩羅 倶苏摩摩罗 see styles |
jù sū mó mó luó ju4 su1 mo2 mo2 luo2 chü su mo mo lo kusomamara |
kusumamālā, a wreath, garland. |
倶蘇摩跋低 倶苏摩跋低 see styles |
jù sū mó bá dī ju4 su1 mo2 ba2 di1 chü su mo pa ti Kusomabattei |
Kusumavatī; name of a buddha-realm. |
Variations: |
gusu ぐす |
(Godan verb with "su" ending) (1) (See 具する・1) to accompany; to follow; (Godan verb with "su" ending) (2) (See 具する・2) to assemble (necessary items); to prepare |
傴和倶舍羅 伛和倶舍罗 see styles |
yǔ hé jù shè luó yu3 he2 ju4 she4 luo2 yü ho chü she lo kuwakushara |
upāya-kauśalya |
兩倶不成過 两倶不成过 see styles |
liǎng jù bù chéng guò liang3 ju4 bu4 cheng2 guo4 liang chü pu ch`eng kuo liang chü pu cheng kuo ryōku fujō ka |
fallacy of both being untrue |
六種倶生惑 六种倶生惑 see styles |
liù zhǒng jù shēng huò liu4 zhong3 ju4 sheng1 huo4 liu chung chü sheng huo roku shu gushō waku |
The six deceivers common to all the living— greed, anger, torpor, ignorance, doubt, and incorrect views. |
我法倶有宗 see styles |
wǒ fǎ jù yǒu zōng wo3 fa3 ju4 you3 zong1 wo fa chü yu tsung gahōku-u shū |
The school that regards the ego and things as real; the 犢子部 Vātsīputrīya school. |
摩訶倶祉羅 摩诃倶祉罗 see styles |
mó hē jù zhǐ luó mo2 he1 ju4 zhi3 luo2 mo ho chü chih lo Makagushira |
Mahākauṣṭhila |
摩訶倶絺羅 摩诃倶絺罗 see styles |
mó hē jù chī luó mo2 he1 ju4 chi1 luo2 mo ho chü ch`ih lo mo ho chü chih lo Makaguchira |
Mahā-Kauṣṭhila |
於呂倶羅山 see styles |
orogurayama おろぐらやま |
(personal name) Orogurayama |
比吒迦倶舍 比咤迦倶舍 see styles |
bǐ zhà jiā jù shè bi3 zha4 jia1 ju4 she4 pi cha chia chü she piṭaka kusha |
piṭaka-kośa. i. e. 藏 a thesaurus, treasury, store. |
漚和倶舍羅 沤和倶舍罗 see styles |
òu hé jù shè luó ou4 he2 ju4 she4 luo2 ou ho chü she lo ōwakushara |
(or 傴和倶舍羅) (or 漚和拘舍羅) (or 傴和拘舍羅) upāyakauśalya, intp. by 方便善巧 expediency and skill, adaptable, suited to conditions, opportunist, the adaptation of teaching to the capacity of the hearer. |
相想倶絕宗 相想倶绝宗 see styles |
xiāng xiǎng jù jué zōng xiang1 xiang3 ju4 jue2 zong1 hsiang hsiang chü chüeh tsung sōsō guzetsu shū |
doctrine that rejects both marks and their perception |
相想倶絶宗 see styles |
xiāng xiǎng jù jué zōng xiang1 xiang3 ju4 jue2 zong1 hsiang hsiang chü chüeh tsung |
One of the ten schools, as classified by Hsien-shou of Huayan, which sought to eliminate phenomena and thought about them, in favour of intuition. |
能所倶別障 能所倶别障 see styles |
néng suǒ jù bié zhàng neng2 suo3 ju4 bie2 zhang4 neng so chü pieh chang nōsho kubetsu shō |
hindrances where both the agent and object are specific in nature |
能所倶總障 能所倶总障 see styles |
néng suǒ jù zǒng zhàng neng2 suo3 ju4 zong3 zhang4 neng so chü tsung chang nōsho kusō shō |
hindrances where the agent and object are both general in nature |
與轉識倶轉 与转识倶转 see styles |
yǔ zhuǎn shì jù zhuǎn yu3 zhuan3 shi4 ju4 zhuan3 yü chuan shih chü chuan yo tenjiki kuten |
functioning concurrently with the forthcoming consciousnesses |
倶利加羅谷川 see styles |
kurikaradanikawa くりからだにかわ |
(place-name) Kurikaradanikawa |
倶利迦羅竜王 see styles |
kurikararyuuou / kurikararyuo くりからりゅうおう |
{Buddh} (See 不動明王) Dragon King Kulika; manifestation of Acala in the form of a flame-wreathed dragon wrapped around and swallowing the tip of an upright sword |
倶時頓生起過 倶时顿生起过 see styles |
jù shí dùn shēng qǐ guò ju4 shi2 dun4 sheng1 qi3 guo4 chü shih tun sheng ch`i kuo chü shih tun sheng chi kuo kuji tonshōki ka |
error in regard to simultaneous coming into being |
倶梨伽羅紋々 see styles |
kurikaramonmon くりからもんもん |
tattoo |
倶梨伽羅紋紋 see styles |
kurikaramonmon くりからもんもん |
tattoo |
倶生薩迦耶見 倶生萨迦耶见 see styles |
jù shēng sà jiā yé jiàn ju4 sheng1 sa4 jia1 ye2 jian4 chü sheng sa chia yeh chien kushō sakkaya ken |
inherent[ly produced] view of the reality of the self |
倶胝百千倍數 倶胝百千倍数 see styles |
jù zhī bǎi qiān bèi shù ju4 zhi1 bai3 qian1 bei4 shu4 chü chih pai ch`ien pei shu chü chih pai chien pei shu kuchihyakusenbai shu |
a trillionfold in number |
七倶胝佛母尊 see styles |
qī jù zhī fó mǔ zūn qi1 ju4 zhi1 fo2 mu3 zun1 ch`i chü chih fo mu tsun chi chü chih fo mu tsun Shichikuchi butsumo son |
Saptakotibuddha-mātṛ. The fabulous mother of seven koṭīs of Buddhas; i.e. Marīci 摩利支; also 準提 Cundī, or Cundā; or 準提觀音 Cundī-Guanyin, q.v., who is represented as of whitish color, with eighteen hands and three eyes. |
不倶戴天の敵 see styles |
fugutaitennoteki ふぐたいてんのてき |
(exp,n) mortal enemy; sworn enemy; nemesis |
不苦不樂倶行 不苦不乐倶行 see styles |
bù kǔ bù lè jù xíng bu4 ku3 bu4 le4 ju4 xing2 pu k`u pu le chü hsing pu ku pu le chü hsing fuku furaku kugyō |
accompanied by neither pleasure nor pain |
声涙倶に下る see styles |
seiruitomonikudaru / seruitomonikudaru せいるいともにくだる |
(exp,v5r) to speak through one's tears; to speak with tears in one's eyes |
尼倶盧陀身相 尼倶卢陀身相 see styles |
ní jù lú tuó shēn xiàng ni2 ju4 lu2 tuo2 shen1 xiang4 ni chü lu t`o shen hsiang ni chü lu to shen hsiang nikuroda shin sō |
a body which has proportionate limbs such that its circumference with the extended limbs is circular [like the shape of a fig tree] |
摩訶倶瑟祉羅 摩诃倶瑟祉罗 see styles |
mó hē jù sè zhǐ luó mo2 he1 ju4 se4 zhi3 luo2 mo ho chü se chih lo Makagushichishira |
Mahā-Kauṣṭhila |
摩訶倶瑟耻羅 摩诃倶瑟耻罗 see styles |
mó hē jù sè chǐ luó mo2 he1 ju4 se4 chi3 luo2 mo ho chü se ch`ih lo mo ho chü se chih lo Makakushichira |
Mahā-Kauṣṭhila |
盧倶多婆拖部 卢倶多婆拖部 see styles |
lú jù duō pó tuō bù lu2 ju4 duo1 po2 tuo1 bu4 lu chü to p`o t`o pu lu chü to po to pu Rugutabata bu |
Lokottaravādinaḥ, superior to the world, an important sect of the Mahāsāṅghikāḥ. |
倶知安トンネル see styles |
kucchantonneru くっちゃんトンネル |
(place-name) Kucchan Tunnel |
Variations: |
gusuru ぐする |
(suru verb) (1) to accompany; to follow; (suru verb) (2) to assemble (necessary items); to prepare |
日本工業倶楽部 see styles |
nipponkougyoukurabu / nipponkogyokurabu にっぽんこうぎょうくらぶ |
(org) Industrial Club of Japan; (o) Industrial Club of Japan |
日本環境倶楽部 see styles |
nipponkankyoukurabu / nipponkankyokurabu にっぽんかんきょうくらぶ |
(org) Nippon Environment Club; (o) Nippon Environment Club |
腳倶陀迦多演那 脚倶陀迦多演那 see styles |
jiǎo jù tuó jiā duō yǎn nà jiao3 ju4 tuo2 jia1 duo1 yan3 na4 chiao chü t`o chia to yen na chiao chü to chia to yen na Kyakuda Kataenna |
Kakuda-katyāyana |
虻田郡倶知安町 see styles |
abutagunkucchanchou / abutagunkucchancho あぶたぐんくっちゃんちょう |
(place-name) Abutagunkucchanchō |
阿毘達磨倶舍論 阿毘达磨倶舍论 see styles |
ā pí dá mó jù shè lùn a1 pi2 da2 mo2 ju4 she4 lun4 a p`i ta mo chü she lun a pi ta mo chü she lun abidatsumakusharon あびだつまくしゃろん |
(work) Abhidharma Storehouse Treatise; (wk) Abhidharma Storehouse Treatise Abhidharma Storehouse Treatise |
隱密顯了倶成門 隐密显了倶成门 see styles |
yǐn mì xiǎn liǎo jù chéng mén yin3 mi4 xian3 liao3 ju4 cheng2 men2 yin mi hsien liao chü ch`eng men yin mi hsien liao chü cheng men onmitsu kenryō kujō mon |
the profound approach of the coexistence of explicitness and implicitness |
麤淨信倶行之心 see styles |
cū jìng xìn jù xíng zhī xīn cu1 jing4 xin4 ju4 xing2 zhi1 xin1 ts`u ching hsin chü hsing chih hsin tsu ching hsin chü hsing chih hsin |
mental state containing the activity of both coarse and pure faith |
倶分解脫補特伽羅 倶分解脱补特伽罗 see styles |
jù fēn jiě tuō bǔ tè qié luó ju4 fen1 jie3 tuo1 bu3 te4 qie2 luo2 chü fen chieh t`o pu t`e ch`ieh lo chü fen chieh to pu te chieh lo kubun gedatsu putogara |
liberated in both ways from the notion of individuality |
倶利伽羅トンネル see styles |
kurikaratonneru くりからトンネル |
(place-name) Kurikara Tunnel |
倶生任運四種煩惱 倶生任运四种烦恼 see styles |
jù shēng rén yùn sì zhǒng fán nǎo ju4 sheng1 ren2 yun4 si4 zhong3 fan2 nao3 chü sheng jen yün ssu chung fan nao kushō ninun shishu bonnō |
four kinds of spontaneously occurring afflictions |
厚狭ゴルフ倶楽部 see styles |
asagorufukurabu あさゴルフくらぶ |
(place-name) Asa Golf Club |
愛不愛倶相違分別 爱不爱倶相违分别 see styles |
ài bù ài jù xiāng wéi fēn bié ai4 bu4 ai4 ju4 xiang1 wei2 fen1 bie2 ai pu ai chü hsiang wei fen pieh ai fuai ku sōi funbetsu |
discrimination of the mutual distinction between the attractive and the unattractive |
芥屋ゴルフ倶楽部 see styles |
keyagorufukurabu けやゴルフくらぶ |
(org) Keya Golf Club (Fukuoka); (o) Keya Golf Club (Fukuoka) |
阿毘達磨倶舍釋論 阿毘达磨倶舍释论 see styles |
ā pí dá mó jù shè shì lùn a1 pi2 da2 mo2 ju4 she4 shi4 lun4 a p`i ta mo chü she shih lun a pi ta mo chü she shih lun Abidatsuma kusha shakuron |
Abhidharmakośa-bhāṣya |
Variations: |
kurikara くりから |
(abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 倶利迦羅竜王) Kulika; manifestation of Acala in the form of a flame-wreathed dragon wrapped around and swallowing the tip of an upright sword |
淸淨蓮華明王央倶捨 淸淨莲华明王央倶舍 see styles |
qīng jìng lián huá míng wáng yāng jù shě qing1 jing4 lian2 hua2 ming2 wang2 yang1 ju4 she3 ch`ing ching lien hua ming wang yang chü she ching ching lien hua ming wang yang chü she Shōjō renge myōō ōgusha |
Amoghāṅkuśa |
王門倶楽部ゴルフ場 see styles |
oumakurabugorufujou / omakurabugorufujo おうまくらぶゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Oumakurabu Golf Links |
阿毘達磨倶舍論本頌 阿毘达磨倶舍论本颂 see styles |
ā pí dá mó jù shè lùn běn sòng a1 pi2 da2 mo2 ju4 she4 lun4 ben3 song4 a p`i ta mo chü she lun pen sung a pi ta mo chü she lun pen sung Abidatsumakusharon honshō |
Treasury of Abhidharma, verses |
倶楽部(ateji) see styles |
kurabu クラブ |
(kana only) club; fraternity; sorority; clubhouse |
Variations: |
kukira くきら |
(1) (rare) (See 鬼郭公) Asian koel (Eudynamys scolopacea); (2) (See ホトトギス) lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus) |
津ゴルフ倶楽部ゴルフ場 see styles |
tsugorufufukurabugorufujou / tsugorufufukurabugorufujo つゴルフふくらぶゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Tsugorufufukurabu Golf Links |
陸上自衛隊倶知安駐屯地 see styles |
rikujoujieitaikucchanchuutonchi / rikujojietaikucchanchutonchi りくじょうじえいたいくっちゃんちゅうとんち |
(place-name) Rikujōjieitaikucchanchuutonchi |
下田ゴルフ倶楽部ゴルフ場 see styles |
shimodagorufukurabugorufujou / shimodagorufukurabugorufujo しもだゴルフくらぶゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Shimoda Golf Club golf links |
中峰ゴルフ倶楽部ゴルフ場 see styles |
nakaminegorufukurabugorufujou / nakaminegorufukurabugorufujo なかみねゴルフくらぶゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Nakamine Golf Club golf links |
中条ゴルフ倶楽部ゴルフ場 see styles |
nakajougorufukurabugorufujou / nakajogorufukurabugorufujo なかじょうゴルフくらぶゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Nakajou Golf Club golf links |
八代ゴルフ倶楽部ゴルフ場 see styles |
yatsushirogorufukurabugorufujou / yatsushirogorufukurabugorufujo やつしろゴルフくらぶゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Yatsushiro Golf Club golf links |
君父の讐は倶に天を戴かず see styles |
kunpunoadahatomonitenoitadakazu くんぷのあだはともにてんをいただかず |
(expression) (proverb) (from the Book of Rites) (See 不倶戴天) not wanting to live in the same world as one's father's or lord's enemies; being prepared to sacrifice one's life to avenge one's father or lord |
和倉ゴルフ倶楽部ゴルフ場 see styles |
wakuragorufukurabugorufujou / wakuragorufukurabugorufujo わくらゴルフくらぶゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Wakura Golf Club golf links |
和木ゴルフ倶楽部ゴルフ場 see styles |
wakigorufukurabugorufujou / wakigorufukurabugorufujo わきゴルフくらぶゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Waki Golf Club golf links |
富岡ゴルフ倶楽部ゴルフ場 see styles |
tomiokagorufukurabugorufujou / tomiokagorufukurabugorufujo とみおかゴルフくらぶゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Tomioka Golf Club golf links |
山代ゴルフ倶楽部ゴルフ場 see styles |
yamadaigorufukurabugorufujou / yamadaigorufukurabugorufujo やまだいゴルフくらぶゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Yamadai Golf Club golf links |
成田ゴルフ倶楽部ゴルフ場 see styles |
naritagorufukurabugorufujou / naritagorufukurabugorufujo なりたゴルフくらぶゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Narita Golf Club golf links |
東都秩父カントリー倶楽部 see styles |
toutochichibukantoriikurabu / totochichibukantorikurabu とうとちちぶカントリークラブ |
(place-name) Tōtochichibu Country Club |
棚山ゴルフ倶楽部ゴルフ場 see styles |
tanayamagorufukurabugorufujou / tanayamagorufukurabugorufujo たなやまゴルフくらぶゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Tanayama Golf Club golf links |
石川ゴルフ倶楽部ゴルフ場 see styles |
ishikawagorufukurabugorufujou / ishikawagorufukurabugorufujo いしかわゴルフくらぶゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Ishikawa Golf Club golf links |
紫雲ゴルフ倶楽部ゴルフ場 see styles |
shiungorufukurabugorufujou / shiungorufukurabugorufujo しうんゴルフくらぶゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Shiun Golf Club golf links |
能登ゴルフ倶楽部ゴルフ場 see styles |
notogorufukurabugorufujou / notogorufukurabugorufujo のとゴルフくらぶゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Noto Golf Club golf links |
藤岡ゴルフ倶楽部ゴルフ場 see styles |
fujiokagorufukurabugorufujou / fujiokagorufukurabugorufujo ふじおかゴルフくらぶゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Fujioka Golf Club golf links |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "倶" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.