There are 2536 total results for your 勝 search. I have created 26 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
...20212223242526Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
小田桐勝巳 see styles |
odagirikatsumi おだぎりかつみ |
(person) Odagiri Katsumi |
小野木重勝 see styles |
onokishigekatsu おのきしげかつ |
(person) Onoki Shigekatsu |
山梨勝之進 see styles |
yamanashikatsunoshin やまなしかつのしん |
(person) Yamanashi Katsunoshin |
山極勝三郎 see styles |
yamagiwakatsusaburou / yamagiwakatsusaburo やまぎわかつさぶろう |
(person) Yamagiwa Katsusaburō (1863.4.10-1930.3.2) |
岡崎円勝寺 see styles |
okazakienshouji / okazakienshoji おかざきえんしょうじ |
(place-name) Okazakienshouji |
岡崎成勝寺 see styles |
okazakiseishouji / okazakiseshoji おかざきせいしょうじ |
(place-name) Okazakiseishouji |
岡崎最勝寺 see styles |
okazakisaishouji / okazakisaishoji おかざきさいしょうじ |
(place-name) Okazakisaishouji |
岡崎法勝寺 see styles |
okazakihoushouji / okazakihoshoji おかざきほうしょうじ |
(place-name) Okazakihoushouji |
川勝千可子 see styles |
kawakatsuchikako かわかつちかこ |
(person) Kawakatsu Chikako |
帶劣勝應身 带劣胜应身 see styles |
dài liè shèng yìng shēn dai4 lie4 sheng4 ying4 shen1 tai lieh sheng ying shen tai resshō ōjin |
response body connected to both inferior and superior |
播磨勝原駅 see styles |
harimakatsuharaeki はりまかつはらえき |
(st) Harimakatsuhara Station |
新屋勝平台 see styles |
arayakatsuhiradai あらやかつひらだい |
(place-name) Arayakatsuhiradai |
新屋勝平町 see styles |
arayakatsuhiramachi あらやかつひらまち |
(place-name) Arayakatsuhiramachi |
早い者勝ち see styles |
hayaimonogachi はやいものがち |
(expression) first come, first served; the early bird catches the worm |
早乙女勝元 see styles |
saotomekatsumoto さおとめかつもと |
(person) Saotome Katsumoto (1932.3.26-) |
時勝矢一路 see styles |
jishouyaichiro / jishoyaichiro じしょうやいちろ |
(person) Jishouya Ichiro |
最勝阿須倫 最胜阿须伦 see styles |
zuì shèng ā xū lún zui4 sheng4 a1 xu1 lun2 tsui sheng a hsü lun Saishō ashurin |
Bali asurêndra (or Baḍi asurêndra) |
最妙勝定經 最妙胜定经 see styles |
zuì miào shèng dìng jīng zui4 miao4 sheng4 ding4 jing1 tsui miao sheng ting ching Saimyōshō jōgyō |
Most Excellent Concentration Sūtra |
木村勝次郎 see styles |
kimurakatsujirou / kimurakatsujiro きむらかつじろう |
(person) Kimura Katsujirō |
東改田再勝 see styles |
higashikaidensaikachi ひがしかいでんさいかち |
(place-name) Higashikaidensaikachi |
杵屋勝芳寿 see styles |
kineyakatsuyoshiju きねやかつよしじゅ |
(person) Kineya Katsuyoshiju |
松旭斎天勝 see styles |
shoukyokusaitenkatsu / shokyokusaitenkatsu しょうきょくさいてんかつ |
(person) Shoukyokusai Tenkatsu (1886.5.21-1944.11.11) (1912.7.31-) |
根勝劣智力 根胜劣智力 see styles |
gēn shèng liè zhì lì gen1 sheng4 lie4 zhi4 li4 ken sheng lieh chih li kon shōretsu chiriki |
the power of knowledge of the relative capacities of sentient beings |
楽田勝部前 see styles |
gakudenkachibemae がくでんかちべまえ |
(place-name) Gakudenkachibemae |
樫原勝後谷 see styles |
katagiharashougodani / katagiharashogodani かたぎはらしょうごだに |
(place-name) Katagiharashougodani |
橋本勝三郎 see styles |
hashimotokatsusaburou / hashimotokatsusaburo はしもとかつさぶろう |
(person) Hashimoto Katsusaburō |
武者野勝巳 see styles |
mushanokatsumi むしゃのかつみ |
(person) Mushano Katsumi |
気まま勝手 see styles |
kimamakatte きままかって |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) self-willed; (doing or saying things) to suit one's own convenience |
永田勝太郎 see styles |
nagatakatsutarou / nagatakatsutaro ながたかつたろう |
(person) Nagata Katsutarō |
河合勝見町 see styles |
kawaikatsumichou / kawaikatsumicho かわいかつみちょう |
(place-name) Kawaikatsumichō |
浦幌十勝川 see styles |
urahorotokachikawa うらほろとかちかわ |
(personal name) Urahorotokachikawa |
海老沢勝二 see styles |
ebisawakatsuji えびさわかつじ |
(person) Ebisawa Katsuji (1934.5-) |
淡河町勝雄 see styles |
ougochoukatsuo / ogochokatsuo おうごちょうかつお |
(place-name) Ougochōkatsuo |
淨勝意樂地 淨胜意乐地 see styles |
jìng shèng yì yào dì jing4 sheng4 yi4 yao4 di4 ching sheng i yao ti jō shōigyō ji |
stage of pure superior intent |
淸淨勝意樂 淸淨胜意乐 see styles |
qīng jìng shèng yì yào qing1 jing4 sheng4 yi4 yao4 ch`ing ching sheng i yao ching ching sheng i yao shōjō shō igyō |
pure superior aspiration |
渡嘉敷勝男 see styles |
tokashikikatsuo とかしきかつお |
(person) Tokashiki Katsuo (1960.7-) |
準々決勝戦 see styles |
junjunkesshousen / junjunkesshosen じゅんじゅんけっしょうせん |
quarterfinal game of a tournament |
準準決勝戦 see styles |
junjunkesshousen / junjunkesshosen じゅんじゅんけっしょうせん |
quarterfinal game of a tournament |
無倒勝生道 无倒胜生道 see styles |
wú dào shèng shēng dào wu2 dao4 sheng4 sheng1 dao4 wu tao sheng sheng tao mutō shōshō dō |
not failing to take a superior rebirth |
片岡勝太郎 see styles |
kataokakatsutarou / kataokakatsutaro かたおかかつたろう |
(person) Kataoka Katsutarō (1916.3.8-) |
琴欧州勝紀 see styles |
kotooushuukatsunori / kotooshukatsunori ことおうしゅうかつのり |
(person) Kotooushuu Katsunori (1983.2.19-) |
田中丸勝彦 see styles |
tanakamarukatsuhiko たなかまるかつひこ |
(person) Tanakamaru Katsuhiko |
真っ向勝負 see styles |
makkoushoubu / makkoshobu まっこうしょうぶ |
(See 真っ向・まっこう・1) head-on fight; direct confrontation; head-to-head contest |
神出町勝成 see styles |
kandechouyoshinari / kandechoyoshinari かんでちょうよしなり |
(place-name) Kandechōyoshinari |
竹内勝太郎 see styles |
yakeuchikatsutarou / yakeuchikatsutaro やけうちかつたろう |
(person) Takeuchi Katsutarō |
紀伊勝浦駅 see styles |
kiikatsuuraeki / kikatsuraeki きいかつうらえき |
(st) Kiikatsuura Station |
羽根田勝夫 see styles |
hanedakatsuo はねだかつお |
(person) Haneda Katsuo (1943.1.23-) |
舎利尊勝寺 see styles |
sharisonshouji / sharisonshoji しゃりそんしょうじ |
(place-name) Sharisonshouji |
薄氷の勝利 see styles |
hakuhyounoshouri / hakuhyonoshori はくひょうのしょうり |
(exp,n) (idiom) narrow victory |
蜂須賀正勝 see styles |
hachisukamasakatsu はちすかまさかつ |
(person) Hachisuka Masakatsu |
西京極畔勝 see styles |
nishikyougokuazekatsu / nishikyogokuazekatsu にしきょうごくあぜかつ |
(place-name) Nishikyōgokuazekatsu |
西勝間田駅 see styles |
nishikatsumadaeki にしかつまだえき |
(st) Nishikatsumada Station |
超勝寺門前 see styles |
choushoujimonzen / choshojimonzen ちょうしょうじもんぜん |
(place-name) Chōshoujimonzen |
軍事的勝利 see styles |
gunjitekishouri / gunjitekishori ぐんじてきしょうり |
military victory |
轉不動勝道 转不动胜道 see styles |
zhuǎn bù dòng shèng dào zhuan3 bu4 dong4 sheng4 dao4 chuan pu tung sheng tao ten fudō shōdō |
brings forth the excellent path of immovability |
那智勝浦町 see styles |
nachikatsuurachou / nachikatsuracho なちかつうらちょう |
(place-name) Nachikatsuurachō |
醍醐勝口町 see styles |
daigoshoukuchichou / daigoshokuchicho だいごしょうくちちょう |
(place-name) Daigoshoukuchichō |
長谷川勝弥 see styles |
hasegawakatsuya はせがわかつや |
(person) Hasegawa Katsuya |
長谷川勝彦 see styles |
hasegawakatsuhiko はせがわかつひこ |
(person) Hasegawa Katsuhiko |
長谷川勝敏 see styles |
hasegawakatsutoshi はせがわかつとし |
(person) Hasegawa Katsutoshi (1944.7.20-) |
長谷田勝美 see styles |
hasedakatsumi はせだかつみ |
(person) Haseda Katsumi |
関柴町西勝 see styles |
sekishibamachisaikatsu せきしばまちさいかつ |
(place-name) Sekishibamachisaikatsu |
隱劣顯勝識 隐劣显胜识 see styles |
yǐn liè xiǎn shèng shì yin3 lie4 xian3 sheng4 shi4 yin lieh hsien sheng shih onretsu kenshōshiki |
consciousness of covering the inferior (mental functions) and manifesting the superior |
飛鳥部勝則 see styles |
asukabekatsunori あすかべかつのり |
(person) Asukabe Katsunori (1964.10.18-) |
高處不勝寒 高处不胜寒 see styles |
gāo chù bù shèng hán gao1 chu4 bu4 sheng4 han2 kao ch`u pu sheng han kao chu pu sheng han |
it's lonely at the top (idiom) |
Variations: |
kachiki かちき |
(noun or adjectival noun) determined spirit; unyielding spirit; will |
Variations: |
kachiuma かちうま |
winning horse; winner |
勝ち目はない see styles |
kachimehanai かちめはない |
(expression) to have no chance (of succeeding) |
勝ち目は無い see styles |
kachimehanai かちめはない |
(expression) to have no chance (of succeeding) |
勝ち馬に乗る see styles |
kachiumaninoru かちうまにのる |
(exp,v5r) (idiom) to side with the winner; to ride (someone's) coattails; to get on the bandwagon |
勝光山鉱業所 see styles |
shoukouzankougyousho / shokozankogyosho しょうこうざんこうぎょうしょ |
(place-name) Shoukouzankougyousho |
勝利を収める see styles |
shourioosameru / shorioosameru しょうりをおさめる |
(exp,v1) to gain a victory; to win |
勝原トンネル see styles |
katsuharatonneru かつはらトンネル |
(place-name) Katsuhara Tunnel |
勝原区下太田 see styles |
katsuharakushimooota かつはらくしもおおた |
(place-name) Katsuharakushimooota |
勝原区勝原町 see styles |
katsuharakukatsuharachou / katsuharakukatsuharacho かつはらくかつはらちょう |
(place-name) Katsuharakukatsuharachō |
勝原区勝山町 see styles |
katsuharakukatsuyamachou / katsuharakukatsuyamacho かつはらくかつやまちょう |
(place-name) Katsuharakukatsuyamachō |
勝原区朝日谷 see styles |
katsuharakuasahidani かつはらくあさひだに |
(place-name) Katsuharakuasahidani |
勝天王般若經 胜天王般若经 see styles |
shèng tiān wáng bō rě jīng sheng4 tian1 wang2 bo1 re3 jing1 sheng t`ien wang po je ching sheng tien wang po je ching Shōtenō hannya kyō |
Pravara-deva-rāja-paripṛcchā |
勝宗十句義論 胜宗十句义论 see styles |
shèng zōng shí jù yì lùn sheng4 zong1 shi2 ju4 yi4 lun4 sheng tsung shih chü i lun Shōshū jūkōgi ron |
Treatise onthe Ten Padârthas |
勝山トンネル see styles |
katsuyamatonneru かつやまトンネル |
(place-name) Katsuyama Tunnel |
勝手知ったる see styles |
katteshittaru かってしったる |
(exp,adj-f) well aware of; know thoroughly; being familiar with (and thus feeling no need for restraint) |
勝沼バイパス see styles |
katsunumabaipasu かつぬまバイパス |
(place-name) Katsunuma bypass |
勝浦ゴルフ場 see styles |
katsuuragorufujou / katsuragorufujo かつうらゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Katsuura golf links |
勝浦有料道路 see styles |
katsuurayuuryoudouro / katsurayuryodoro かつうらゆうりょうどうろ |
(place-name) Katsuurayūryōdōro |
勝浦郡上勝町 see styles |
katsuuragunkamikatsuchou / katsuragunkamikatsucho かつうらぐんかみかつちょう |
(place-name) Katsuuragunkamikatsuchō |
勝浦郡勝浦町 see styles |
katsuuragunkatsuurachou / katsuragunkatsuracho かつうらぐんかつうらちょう |
(place-name) Katsuuragunkatsuurachō |
勝田ゴルフ場 see styles |
katsutagorufujou / katsutagorufujo かつたゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Katsuta golf links |
勝田郡勝北町 see styles |
katsutagunshoubokuchou / katsutagunshobokucho かつたぐんしょうぼくちょう |
(place-name) Katsutagunshoubokuchō |
勝田郡勝央町 see styles |
katsutagunshououchou / katsutagunshoocho かつたぐんしょうおうちょう |
(place-name) Katsutagunshououchō |
勝田郡勝田町 see styles |
katsutagunkatsutachou / katsutagunkatsutacho かつたぐんかつたちょう |
(place-name) Katsutagunkatsutachō |
勝田郡奈義町 see styles |
katsutagunnagichou / katsutagunnagicho かつたぐんなぎちょう |
(place-name) Katsutagunnagichō |
勝負は時の運 see styles |
shoubuhatokinoun / shobuhatokinon しょうぶはときのうん |
(expression) (proverb) victory depends on the turn of fortune; winning and losing are both down to luck |
勝負審判交替 see styles |
shoubushinpankoutai / shobushinpankotai しょうぶしんぱんこうたい |
{sumo} change of judges |
これで勝つる see styles |
koredekatsuru これでかつる |
(expression) (net-sl) victory is mine; with this, I'll win |
ガチンコ勝負 see styles |
gachinkoshoubu / gachinkoshobu ガチンコしょうぶ |
(colloquialism) head-on fight; head-to-head contest; serious contest |
ホロカ十勝川 see styles |
horokatokachigawa ホロカとかちがわ |
(place-name) Horokatokachigawa |
上杉景勝陣跡 see styles |
uesugikagekatsujinato うえすぎかげかつじんあと |
(place-name) Uesugikagekatsujin'ato |
上賀茂畔勝町 see styles |
kamigamoazekachichou / kamigamoazekachicho かみがもあぜかちちょう |
(place-name) Kamigamoazekachichō |
中頭郡勝連町 see styles |
nakagamigunkatsurenchou / nakagamigunkatsurencho なかがみぐんかつれんちょう |
(place-name) Nakagamigunkatsurenchō |
事實勝於雄辯 事实胜于雄辩 see styles |
shì shí shèng yú xióng biàn shi4 shi2 sheng4 yu2 xiong2 bian4 shih shih sheng yü hsiung pien |
facts speak louder than words (idiom) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "勝" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.