There are 2536 total results for your 勝 search. I have created 26 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
...20212223242526Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
竹田勝頼 see styles |
takedakatsuyori たけだかつより |
(person) Takeda Katsuyori |
笹島勝人 see styles |
sasajimakatsuhito ささじまかつひと |
(person) Sasajima Katsuhito |
筑前勝田 see styles |
chikuzenkatsuta ちくぜんかつた |
(personal name) Chikuzenkatsuta |
篠原勝之 see styles |
shinoharakatsuyuki しのはらかつゆき |
(person) Shinohara Katsuyuki (1942.4-) |
篠塚勝正 see styles |
shinozukakatsumasa しのづかかつまさ |
(person) Shinozuka Katsumasa (1940.11-) |
篠田勝英 see styles |
shinodakatsuhide しのだかつひで |
(person) Shinoda Katsuhide (1948.12-) |
籠田勝基 see styles |
kagotakatsumoto かごたかつもと |
(person) Kagota Katsumoto |
籾井勝人 see styles |
momiikatsuto / momikatsuto もみいかつと |
(person) Momii Katsuto |
粘り勝ち see styles |
nebarigachi ねばりがち |
hard-fought win; winning through perseverance |
細川勝元 see styles |
hosokawakatsumoto ほそかわかつもと |
(person) Hosokawa Katsumoto |
結城政勝 see styles |
yuukimasakatsu / yukimasakatsu ゆうきまさかつ |
(person) Yūki Masakatsu |
綿引勝彦 see styles |
watabikikatsuhiko わたびきかつひこ |
(person) Watabiki Katsuhiko (1945.11.23-) |
総合優勝 see styles |
sougouyuushou / sogoyusho そうごうゆうしょう |
overall victory; victory in the overall standings |
織田信勝 see styles |
odanobukatsu おだのぶかつ |
(person) Oda Nobukatsu |
美不勝收 美不胜收 see styles |
měi bù shèng shōu mei3 bu4 sheng4 shou1 mei pu sheng shou |
nothing more beautiful can be imagined (idiom) |
美作勝山 see styles |
mimasakakatsuyama みまさかかつやま |
(place-name) Mimasakakatsuyama |
羽柴秀勝 see styles |
hashibahidekatsu はしばひでかつ |
(person) Hashiba Hidekatsu |
聊勝於無 聊胜于无 see styles |
liáo shèng yú wú liao2 sheng4 yu2 wu2 liao sheng yü wu |
better than nothing (idiom) |
自分勝手 see styles |
jibungatte じぶんがって jibunkatte じぶんかって |
(noun or adjectival noun) (yoji) selfishness; egotism; egoism; (being) self-centered; without consulting; (doing) as one pleases; one's own free will |
自由勝手 see styles |
jiyuukatte / jiyukatte じゆうかって |
(noun or adjectival noun) free; unfettered; according to one's own whims; doing as one likes |
臼井勝美 see styles |
usuikatsumi うすいかつみ |
(person) Usui Katsumi |
舉不勝舉 举不胜举 see styles |
jǔ bù shèng jǔ ju3 bu4 sheng4 ju3 chü pu sheng chü |
too numerous to list (idiom); innumerable |
舛方勝宏 see styles |
masukatakatsuhiro ますかたかつひろ |
(person) Masukata Katsuhiro (1943.2.16-) |
船木誠勝 see styles |
funakimasakatsu ふなきまさかつ |
(person) Funaki Masakatsu (1969.3.13-) |
芦刈勝治 see styles |
ashikarikatsuharu あしかりかつはる |
(person) Ashikari Katsuharu |
花山信勝 see styles |
hanayamashinshou / hanayamashinsho はなやましんしょう |
(person) Hanayama Shinshou (1898.12.3-1995.3.20) |
花山勝友 see styles |
hanayamashouyuu / hanayamashoyu はなやましょうゆう |
(person) Hanayama Shouyū |
花田勝彦 see styles |
hanadakatsuhiko はなだかつひこ |
(person) Hanada Katsuhiko |
芹澤勝助 see styles |
serizawakatsusuke せりざわかつすけ |
(person) Serizawa Katsusuke |
若乃花勝 see styles |
wakanohanamasaru わかのはなまさる |
(person) Wakanohana III Masaru, 66th sumo grand champion (1971.1-) |
荒勝文策 see styles |
arakatsubunsaku あらかつぶんさく |
(person) Arakatsu Bunsaku (1891.3.25-1973.6.25) |
荒木田勝 see styles |
arakidamasaru あらきだまさる |
(person) Arakida Masaru |
荷が勝つ see styles |
nigakatsu にがかつ |
(exp,v5t) to be unequal to the burden (job); to be too heavy a load for |
落合正勝 see styles |
ochiaimasakatsu おちあいまさかつ |
(person) Ochiai Masakatsu |
薬勝寺池 see styles |
yakushoujiike / yakushojike やくしょうじいけ |
(place-name) Yakushoujiike |
薬師神勝 see styles |
yakushijinmasaru やくしじんまさる |
(person) Yakushijin Masaru (1978.6.20-) |
藤井勝志 see styles |
fujiikatsushi / fujikatsushi ふじいかつし |
(person) Fujii Katsushi (1915.4.13-1996.1.25) |
藤原勝子 see styles |
fujiwarakatsuko ふじわらかつこ |
(person) Fujiwara Katsuko |
藤本勝司 see styles |
fujimotokatsuji ふじもとかつじ |
(person) Fujimoto Katsuji (1943.7.28-) |
藤本勝巳 see styles |
fujimotokatsumi ふじもとかつみ |
(person) Fujimoto Katsumi (1937.8.8-) |
藤田信勝 see styles |
fujitanobukatsu ふじたのぶかつ |
(person) Fujita Nobukatsu |
蟠桃勝會 蟠桃胜会 see styles |
pán táo shèng huì pan2 tao2 sheng4 hui4 p`an t`ao sheng hui pan tao sheng hui |
a victory banquet to taste the peaches of immortality of Goddess Xi Wangmu 西王母 |
衛藤義勝 see styles |
etouyoshikatsu / etoyoshikatsu えとうよしかつ |
(person) Etou Yoshikatsu |
西勝ノ木 see styles |
nishikachinoki にしかちのき |
(place-name) Nishikachinoki |
西勝楽町 see styles |
nishikatsurakumachi にしかつらくまち |
(place-name) Nishikatsurakumachi |
西村勝彦 see styles |
nishimurakatsuhiko にしむらかつひこ |
(person) Nishimura Katsuhiko (1938.3-) |
西郷政勝 see styles |
saigoumasakatsu / saigomasakatsu さいごうまさかつ |
(person) Saigou Masakatsu |
見勝功德 见胜功德 see styles |
jiàn shèng gōng dé jian4 sheng4 gong1 de2 chien sheng kung te ken shō kudoku |
to see excellent attributes |
諸根勝劣 诸根胜劣 see styles |
zhū gēn shèng liè zhu1 gen1 sheng4 lie4 chu ken sheng lieh shokon shōretsu |
superior and inferior [spiritual] capacities |
豆成勝博 see styles |
mamenarikatsuhiro まめなりかつひろ |
(person) Mamenari Katsuhiro (1949-) |
豊山勝男 see styles |
yutakayamakatsuo ゆたかやまかつお |
(person) Yutakayama Katsuo (1937.8.18-) |
豊桜保勝 see styles |
toyozakurayasukatsu とよざくらやすかつ |
(person) Toyozakura Yasukatsu (1974.3.12-) |
豊田勝業 see styles |
toyodakatsunari とよだかつなり |
(person) Toyoda Katsunari |
足利義勝 see styles |
ashikagayoshikatsu あしかがよしかつ |
(person) Ashikaga Yoshikatsu (1434-1443) |
足立昌勝 see styles |
adachimasakatsu あだちまさかつ |
(person) Adachi Masakatsu |
轉敗為勝 转败为胜 see styles |
zhuàn bài wéi shèng zhuan4 bai4 wei2 sheng4 chuan pai wei sheng |
to turn defeat into victory (idiom); snatching victory from the jaws of defeat |
逆転優勝 see styles |
gyakutenyuushou / gyakutenyusho ぎゃくてんゆうしょう |
(n,vs,vi) come-from-behind victory |
逆転勝ち see styles |
gyakutengachi ぎゃくてんがち |
(noun/participle) winning after defeat seems certain; coming from behind to win |
逆転勝利 see styles |
gyakutenshouri / gyakutenshori ぎゃくてんしょうり |
come-from-behind victory; comeback win |
連勝単式 see styles |
renshoutanshiki / renshotanshiki れんしょうたんしき |
perfecta (bet); exacta; straight forecast |
連勝複式 see styles |
renshoufukushiki / renshofukushiki れんしょうふくしき |
quinella (bet); dual forecast; reverse forecast |
連戦連勝 see styles |
rensenrenshou / rensenrensho れんせんれんしょう |
(noun/participle) (yoji) succession of victories |
連戰連勝 连战连胜 see styles |
lián zhàn lián shèng lian2 zhan4 lian2 sheng4 lien chan lien sheng |
fighting and winning a series of battles (idiom); ever victorious |
連続優勝 see styles |
renzokuyuushou / renzokuyusho れんぞくゆうしょう |
{sumo} consecutive tournament victories |
進道勝行 进道胜行 see styles |
jìn dào shèng xíng jin4 dao4 sheng4 xing2 chin tao sheng hsing shindō shōgyō |
excellent practices of advancement on the Path |
遠慮勝ち see styles |
enryogachi えんりょがち |
(adjectival noun) shy; diffident; retiring; reserved |
遠藤勝裕 see styles |
endoukatsuhiro / endokatsuhiro えんどうかつひろ |
(person) Endou Katsuhiro |
那智勝浦 see styles |
nachikatsuura / nachikatsura なちかつうら |
(place-name) Nachikatsuura |
酒井忠勝 see styles |
sakaitadakatsu さかいただかつ |
(person) Sakai Tadakatsu |
醍醐勝口 see styles |
daigoshoukuchi / daigoshokuchi だいごしょうくち |
(place-name) Daigoshoukuchi |
野中勝明 see styles |
nonakakatsuaki のなかかつあき |
(person) Nonaka Katsuaki |
野原正勝 see styles |
noharamasakatsu のはらまさかつ |
(person) Nohara Masakatsu (1906.3.16-1983.2.10) |
金勝寺東 see styles |
kinshoujihigashi / kinshojihigashi きんしょうじひがし |
(place-name) Kinshoujihigashi |
鈴木勝也 see styles |
suzukikatsunari すずきかつなり |
(person) Suzuki Katsunari |
鈴木勝利 see styles |
suzukikatsutoshi すずきかつとし |
(person) Suzuki Katsutoshi |
鈴木正勝 see styles |
suzukimasakazu すずきまさかづ |
(person) Suzuki Masakazu (1939-) |
鈴木美勝 see styles |
suzukiyoshikatsu すずきよしかつ |
(person) Suzuki Yoshikatsu |
鍋島勝茂 see styles |
nabeshimakatsushige なべしまかつしげ |
(person) Nabeshima Katsushige |
鎌田勝美 see styles |
kamatakatsumi かまたかつみ |
(person) Kamata Katsumi (1937-) |
長井勝一 see styles |
nagaikatsuichi ながいかついち |
(person) Nagai Katsuichi (1921.4.14-1996.1.5) |
間垣勝晴 see styles |
magakikatsuharu まがきかつはる |
(person) Magaki Katsuharu |
間悲憲勝 see styles |
manabenorikatsu まなべのりかつ |
(person) Manabe Norikatsu |
間部秋勝 see styles |
manabeakikatsu まなべあきかつ |
(person) Manabe Akikatsu |
関谷勝利 see styles |
sekiyakatsutoshi せきやかつとし |
(person) Sekiya Katsutoshi (1904.10.20-1987.7.6) |
関谷勝嗣 see styles |
sekiyakatsutsugu せきやかつつぐ |
(person) Sekiya Katsutsugu (1938.3.6-) |
防不勝防 防不胜防 see styles |
fáng bù shèng fáng fang2 bu4 sheng4 fang2 fang pu sheng fang |
(idiom) virtually impossible to prevent |
阿部勝征 see styles |
abekatsuyuki あべかつゆき |
(person) Abe Katsuyuki |
阿部勝雄 see styles |
abekatsuo あべかつお |
(person) Abe Katsuo |
雨宮勝夫 see styles |
amamiyakatsuo あまみやかつお |
(person) Amamiya Katsuo (1938-) |
雪園勝躅 雪园胜躅 see styles |
xuě yuán shèng zhú xue3 yuan2 sheng4 zhu2 hsüeh yüan sheng chu setsuon shōchoku |
wonderful achievement in the snowy courtyard |
青柳勝栄 see styles |
aoyagikatsuei / aoyagikatsue あおやぎかつえい |
(person) Aoyagi Katsuei (1942.2-) |
飯田勝幸 see styles |
iidakatsuyuki / idakatsuyuki いいだかつゆき |
(person) Iida Katsuyuki |
饒辺勝子 see styles |
yohenkatsuko よへんかつこ |
(person) Yohen Katsuko |
馬場信勝 see styles |
babanobukatsu ばばのぶかつ |
(person) Baba Nobukatsu |
馬番連勝 see styles |
umabanrenshou / umabanrensho うまばんれんしょう |
{horse} quinella; quiniela |
高山勝成 see styles |
takayamakatsunari たかやまかつなり |
(person) Takayama Katsunari (1983.5.12-) |
高木正勝 see styles |
takagimasakatsu たかぎまさかつ |
(person) Takagi Masakatsu |
高橋勝寿 see styles |
takahashikatsuji たかはしかつじ |
(person) Takahashi Katsuji |
高橋勝成 see styles |
takahashikatsunari たかはしかつなり |
(person) Takahashi Katsunari |
高橋勝視 see styles |
takahashikatsumi たかはしかつみ |
(person) Takahashi Katsumi |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "勝" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.