There are 2536 total results for your 勝 search. I have created 26 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
20212223242526Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
水野勝成 see styles |
mizunokatsushige みずのかつしげ |
(person) Mizuno Katsushige |
水野勝貞 see styles |
mizunokatsusada みずのかつさだ |
(person) Mizuno Katsusada |
永尾勝義 see styles |
nagaokatsuyoshi ながおかつよし |
(person) Nagaoka Tsuyoshi (1932.8-) |
永川勝浩 see styles |
nagakawakatsuhiro ながかわかつひろ |
(person) Nagakawa Katsuhiro (1980.12.14-) |
永田勝也 see styles |
nagatakatsuya ながたかつや |
(person) Nagata Katsuya |
永野勝美 see styles |
naganokatsumi ながのかつみ |
(person) Nagano Katsumi |
江崎勝久 see styles |
ezakikatsuhisa えざきかつひさ |
(person) Ezaki Katsuhisa (1941.8-) |
池田勝也 see styles |
ikedakatsuya いけだかつや |
(person) Ikeda Katsuya |
決勝千里 决胜千里 see styles |
jué shèng qiān lǐ jue2 sheng4 qian1 li3 chüeh sheng ch`ien li chüeh sheng chien li |
to be able to plan victory from a thousand miles away (idiom) |
沢田勝彦 see styles |
sawadakatsuhiko さわだかつひこ |
(person) Sawada Katsuhiko (1957.2.19-) |
河合勝見 see styles |
kawaikatsumi かわいかつみ |
(place-name) Kawaikatsumi |
河野茂勝 see styles |
kounoshigekatsu / konoshigekatsu こうのしげかつ |
(person) Kōno Shigekatsu |
油谷勝海 see styles |
yutanikatsumi ゆたにかつみ |
(person) Yutani Katsumi |
法勝寺川 see styles |
hosshoujigawa / hosshojigawa ほっしょうじがわ |
(personal name) Hosshoujigawa |
法勝寺町 see styles |
hotsushoujimachi / hotsushojimachi ほつしょうじまち |
(place-name) Hotsushoujimachi |
津曲勝利 see styles |
tsumagarikatsutoshi つまがりかつとし |
(person) Tsumagari Katsutoshi (1975.11.2-) |
浅野勝人 see styles |
asanokatsuhito あさのかつひと |
(person) Asano Katsuhito |
淨勝意樂 淨胜意乐 see styles |
jìng shèng yì yào jing4 sheng4 yi4 yao4 ching sheng i yao jōshō igyō |
pure superior aspiration |
淸淨勝解 淸淨胜解 see styles |
qīng jìng shèng jiě qing1 jing4 sheng4 jie3 ch`ing ching sheng chieh ching ching sheng chieh shōjō shōge |
pure resolve |
淸淨殊勝 淸淨殊胜 see styles |
qīng jìng shū shèng qing1 jing4 shu1 sheng4 ch`ing ching shu sheng ching ching shu sheng shōjō shushō |
excellence of purity |
清國勝雄 see styles |
kiyokunikatsuo きよくにかつお |
(person) Kiyokuni Katsuo (1941.11.20-) |
清水勝美 see styles |
shimizukatsumi しみずかつみ |
(person) Shimizu Katsumi |
渡会勝義 see styles |
wataraikatsuyoshi わたらいかつよし |
(person) Watarai Katsuyoshi |
準々決勝 see styles |
junjunkesshou / junjunkessho じゅんじゅんけっしょう |
quarterfinal |
準決勝戦 see styles |
junkesshousen / junkesshosen じゅんけっしょうせん |
semifinal game of a tournament |
準準決勝 see styles |
junjunkesshou / junjunkessho じゅんじゅんけっしょう |
quarterfinal |
瀬田勝哉 see styles |
setakatsuya せたかつや |
(person) Seta Katsuya |
灰田勝彦 see styles |
haidakatsuhiko はいだかつひこ |
(person) Haida Katsuhiko |
無上最勝 无上最胜 see styles |
wú shàng zuì shèng wu2 shang4 zui4 sheng4 wu shang tsui sheng mujō saishō |
unsurpassable excellence |
無上殊勝 无上殊胜 see styles |
wú shàng shū shèng wu2 shang4 shu1 sheng4 wu shang shu sheng mujō shushō |
unsurpassed, excellent |
無學勝解 无学胜解 see styles |
wú xué shèng jiě wu2 xue2 sheng4 jie3 wu hsüeh sheng chieh mugaku shōge |
devoted interest of those beyond training |
無手勝流 see styles |
mutekatsuryuu / mutekatsuryu むてかつりゅう |
(1) (yoji) winning without fighting; method used to win without fighting; (2) one's own way of doing things (i.e. as different from that of one's instructor); (3) (colloquialism) (See 新当流) Shinto-ryu (school of kenjutsu) |
熊崎勝彦 see styles |
kumazakikatsuhiko くまざきかつひこ |
(person) Kumazaki Katsuhiko |
熊谷勝行 see styles |
kumagaikatsuyuki くまがいかつゆき |
(person) Kumagai Katsuyuki (1944-) |
爭強好勝 争强好胜 see styles |
zhēng qiáng hào shèng zheng1 qiang2 hao4 sheng4 cheng ch`iang hao sheng cheng chiang hao sheng |
competitive; ambitious and aggressive; to desire to beat others |
爲他所勝 为他所胜 see styles |
wéi tā suǒ shèng wei2 ta1 suo3 sheng4 wei t`a so sheng wei ta so sheng ita shoshō |
to be overcome by others |
牟田勝彦 see styles |
mutakatsuhiko むたかつひこ |
(person) Muta Katsuhiko |
牧田勝吾 see styles |
makitashougo / makitashogo まきたしょうご |
(person) Makita Shougo |
牧野勝弘 see styles |
makinokatsuhiro まきのかつひろ |
(person) Makino Katsuhiro |
狩勝高原 see styles |
karikachikougen / karikachikogen かりかちこうげん |
(place-name) Karikachikougen |
独り勝ち see styles |
hitorigachi ひとりがち |
(noun/participle) (1) being the sole winner; (adj-no,adj-na) (2) winner-take-all |
猪熊兼勝 see styles |
inokumakanekatsu いのくまかねかつ |
(person) Inokuma Kanekatsu |
猫田勝敏 see styles |
nekotakatsutoshi ねこたかつとし |
(person) Nekota Katsutoshi (1944.2.1-1983.9.4) |
猿橋勝子 see styles |
saruhashikatsuko さるはしかつこ |
(person) Saruhashi Katsuko (1920.3.22-) |
猿田勝美 see styles |
sarutakatsumi さるたかつみ |
(person) Saruta Katsumi |
玉置勝彦 see styles |
tamakikatsuhiko たまきかつひこ |
(person) Tamaki Katsuhiko |
生信勝解 生信胜解 see styles |
shēng xìn shèng jiě sheng1 xin4 sheng4 jie3 sheng hsin sheng chieh shō shin shōge |
arouse faith and determination |
生出勝宣 see styles |
oidekatsunobu おいでかつのぶ |
(person) Oide Katsunobu |
生瀬勝久 see styles |
namasekatsuhisa なませかつひさ |
(person) Namase Katsuhisa (1960.10.13-) |
田中勝助 see styles |
tanakakatsusuke たなかかつすけ |
(person) Tanaka Katsusuke |
田中勝春 see styles |
tanakakatsuharu たなかかつはる |
(person) Tanaka Katsuharu (1971.2.25-) |
田口勝彦 see styles |
taguchikatsuhiko たぐちかつひこ |
(person) Taguchi Katsuhiko (1931.1.24-) |
田尻勝彦 see styles |
tajirikatsuhiko たじりかつひこ |
(person) Tajiri Katsuhiko (1940.1-) |
田村勝彦 see styles |
tamurakatsuhiko たむらかつひこ |
(person) Tamura Katsuhiko (1947.7.31-) |
田村勝省 see styles |
tamurakatsuyoshi たむらかつよし |
(person) Tamura Katsuyoshi |
甲谷勝人 see styles |
koutanikatsuto / kotanikatsuto こうたにかつと |
(person) Kōtani Katsuto (1934.11-) |
町田勝彦 see styles |
machidakatsuhiko まちだかつひこ |
(person) Machida Katsuhiko (1943.6.22-) |
略勝一籌 略胜一筹 see styles |
lüè shèng yī chóu lu:e4 sheng4 yi1 chou2 lu:e sheng i ch`ou lu:e sheng i chou |
slightly better; a cut above |
病気勝ち see styles |
byoukigachi / byokigachi びょうきがち |
proneness to being ill; proneness to disease |
發起勝解 发起胜解 see styles |
fā qǐ shèng jiě fa1 qi3 sheng4 jie3 fa ch`i sheng chieh fa chi sheng chieh hokki shōge |
arouses devoted interest |
白井勝也 see styles |
shiraikatsuya しらいかつや |
(person) Shirai Katsuya |
白川勝彦 see styles |
shirakawakatsuhiko しらかわかつひこ |
(person) Shirakawa Katsuhiko (1945.6-) |
白木勝久 see styles |
shirakikatsuhisa しらきかつひさ |
(person) Shiraki Katsuhisa |
白石勝巳 see styles |
shiraishikatsumi しらいしかつみ |
(person) Shiraishi Katsumi (1918.4.15-2000.12.11) |
百勝餐飲 百胜餐饮 see styles |
bǎi shèng cān yǐn bai3 sheng4 can1 yin3 pai sheng ts`an yin pai sheng tsan yin |
Tricon Global Restaurants (incl. Pizza Hut and KFC) |
百戦百勝 see styles |
hyakusenhyakushou / hyakusenhyakusho ひゃくせんひゃくしょう |
(yoji) ever-victorious; many successful campaigns; invincibility |
百戰百勝 百战百胜 see styles |
bǎi zhàn bǎi shèng bai3 zhan4 bai3 sheng4 pai chan pai sheng |
to emerge victorious in every battle; to be ever-victorious |
皆本勝弘 see styles |
minamotokatsuhiro みなもとかつひろ |
(person) Minamoto Katsuhiro (1972.7.2-) |
直球勝負 see styles |
chokkyuushoubu / chokkyushobu ちょっきゅうしょうぶ |
straightforward approach; playing it straight; fair deal |
相原勝幸 see styles |
aiharakatsuyuki あいはらかつゆき |
(person) Aihara Katsuyuki |
相川勝六 see styles |
aikawakatsuroku あいかわかつろく |
(person) Aikawa Katsuroku (1891.12.6-1973.10.3) |
相馬勝也 see styles |
soumakatsuya / somakatsuya そうまかつや |
(person) Souma Katsuya |
真剣勝負 see styles |
shinkenshoubu / shinkenshobu しんけんしょうぶ |
More info & calligraphy: Shinken Shobu |
真田信勝 see styles |
sanadanobukatsu さなだのぶかつ |
(person) Sanada Nobukatsu (?-1678.1.12) |
真田高勝 see styles |
sanadatakakatsu さなだたかかつ |
(person) Sanada Takakatsu (?-1606.8.9) |
真鍋勝己 see styles |
manabekatsumi まなべかつみ |
(person) Manabe Katsumi |
矢野勝也 see styles |
yanokatsuya やのかつや |
(person) Yano Katsuya (1970.8.17-) |
石井勝国 see styles |
ishiimasakuni / ishimasakuni いしいまさくに |
(person) Ishii Masakuni |
石勝高原 see styles |
sekishoukougen / sekishokogen せきしょうこうげん |
(place-name) Sekishoukougen |
石田勝之 see styles |
ishidakatsuyuki いしだかつゆき |
(person) Ishida Katsuyuki (1955.1.30-) |
石田勝心 see styles |
ishidakatsumune いしだかつむね |
(person) Ishida Katsumune (1932.10.20-) |
石田勝範 see styles |
ishidakatsunori いしだかつのり |
(person) Ishida Katsunori (1949.3.6-) |
石田勝重 see styles |
ishidakatsushige いしだかつしげ |
(person) Ishida Katsushige |
砂守勝巳 see styles |
sunamorikatsumi すなもりかつみ |
(person) Sunamori Katsumi |
神戸勝彦 see styles |
koubekatsuhiko / kobekatsuhiko こうべかつひこ |
(person) Kōbe Katsuhiko (1969.10.15-) |
神田勝夫 see styles |
kandakatsuo かんだかつお |
(person) Kanda Katsuo (1966.6.21-) |
福吉勝男 see styles |
fukuyoshimasao ふくよしまさお |
(person) Fukuyoshi Masao |
福永勝美 see styles |
fukunagakatsumi ふくながかつみ |
(person) Fukunaga Katsumi (1936.3-) |
福田勝一 see styles |
fukudakatsuichi ふくだかついち |
(person) Fukuda Katsuichi |
福田勝洋 see styles |
fukudakatsuhiro ふくだかつひろ |
(person) Fukuda Katsuhiro (1955.4.11-) |
種種勝利 种种胜利 see styles |
zhǒng zhǒng shèng lì zhong3 zhong3 sheng4 li4 chung chung sheng li shuju shōri |
various merits; various rewards |
種種勝解 种种胜解 see styles |
zhǒng zhǒng shèng jiě zhong3 zhong3 sheng4 jie3 chung chung sheng chieh shuju shōge |
various kinds of devoted interest |
種種殊勝 种种殊胜 see styles |
zhǒng zhǒng shū shèng zhong3 zhong3 shu1 sheng4 chung chung shu sheng shuju shushō |
variously excellent |
穩操勝券 稳操胜券 see styles |
wěn cāo shèng quàn wen3 cao1 sheng4 quan4 wen ts`ao sheng ch`üan wen tsao sheng chüan |
grasp it and victory is assured; to have success within one's grasp (idiom) |
穩操勝算 稳操胜算 see styles |
wěn cāo shèng suàn wen3 cao1 sheng4 suan4 wen ts`ao sheng suan wen tsao sheng suan |
to be assured of success |
立ち勝る see styles |
tachimasaru たちまさる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) to be superior; to surpass |
立石勝規 see styles |
tateishikatsunori / tateshikatsunori たていしかつのり |
(person) Tateishi Katsunori |
競り勝つ see styles |
serikatsu せりかつ |
(v5t,vi) to win after tough bidding |
竹入義勝 see styles |
takeiriyoshikatsu / takeriyoshikatsu たけいりよしかつ |
(person) Takeiri Yoshikatsu (1926.1.10-) |
竹内勝彦 see styles |
takeuchikatsuhiko たけうちかつひこ |
(person) Takeuchi Katsuhiko (1938.2.19-) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "勝" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.