There are 262 total results for your 眠 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
123Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
山眠る see styles |
yamanemuru やまねむる |
(expression) (poetic term) (See 山笑う) mountain in the winter; sleeping mountain |
微睡眠 see styles |
wēi shuì mián wei1 shui4 mian2 wei shui mien |
microsleep |
惛眠蓋 惛眠盖 see styles |
hūn mián gài hun1 mian2 gai4 hun mien kai konminkai |
obscuration of torpor and drowsiness |
所隨眠 所随眠 see styles |
suǒ suí mián suo3 sui2 mian2 so sui mien sho zuimin |
that which is latent |
打眠衣 see styles |
dǎ mián yī da3 mian2 yi1 ta mien i tamen goromo |
A monk's sleeping garment. |
春眠子 see styles |
shunminshi しゅんみんし |
(given name) Shunminshi |
有隨眠 有随眠 see styles |
yǒu suí mián you3 sui2 mian2 yu sui mien u zuimin |
having proclivities [toward afflictive behavior] |
猪眠山 see styles |
inemuriyama いねむりやま |
(place-name) Inemuriyama |
由隨眠 由随眠 see styles |
yóu suí mián you2 sui2 mian2 yu sui mien yu zuimin |
due to propensities |
睡眠剤 see styles |
suiminzai すいみんざい |
sleeping tablet |
睡眠欲 see styles |
shuì mián yù shui4 mian2 yu4 shui mien yü suimin yoku |
The lust for sleep, physical and spiritual, hence 睡眠蓋 sleep, drowsiness, or sloth as a hindrance to progress. |
睡眠病 see styles |
suiminbyou / suiminbyo すいみんびょう |
{med} sleeping sickness; sleeping disease |
睡眠者 see styles |
shuì mián zhě shui4 mian2 zhe3 shui mien che |
sleeper |
睡眠蓋 睡眠盖 see styles |
shuì mián gài shui4 mian2 gai4 shui mien kai suimen kai |
obstructed by drowsiness |
睡眠薬 see styles |
suiminyaku すいみんやく |
sleeping pill; sleep medication |
睡眠蟲 睡眠虫 see styles |
shuì mián chóng shui4 mian2 chong2 shui mien ch`ung shui mien chung |
trypanosome |
纏隨眠 缠随眠 see styles |
chán suí mián chan2 sui2 mian2 ch`an sui mien chan sui mien den zuimin |
active entanglement and latency |
舒眠鍵 舒眠键 see styles |
shū mián jiàn shu1 mian2 jian4 shu mien chien |
sleep mode button (on the remote control of an air conditioner) |
誘眠剤 see styles |
yuuminzai / yuminzai ゆうみんざい |
hypnotic drug |
說隨眠 说随眠 see styles |
shuō suí mián shuo1 sui2 mian2 shuo sui mien setsu zuimin |
called latent |
過眠症 see styles |
kaminshou / kaminsho かみんしょう |
hypersomnia |
隨眠位 随眠位 see styles |
suí mián wèi sui2 mian2 wei4 sui mien wei zuimin i |
stage of latency |
隨眠斷 随眠断 see styles |
suí mián duàn sui2 mian2 duan4 sui mien tuan zuimin dan |
elimination of latent afflictions |
隨眠有 随眠有 see styles |
suí mián yǒu sui2 mian2 you3 sui mien yu zuimin u |
latently existent |
離隨眠 离随眠 see styles |
lí suí mián li2 sui2 mian2 li sui mien ri zuimin |
without inclinations |
魚眠洞 see styles |
gyomindou / gyomindo ぎょみんどう |
(given name) Gyomindou |
魚眠道 see styles |
gyomindou / gyomindo ぎょみんどう |
(given name) Gyomindō |
眠け覚し see styles |
nemukezamashi ねむけざまし |
keeping oneself awake; fighting off drowsiness; method for keeping oneself awake |
眠らせる see styles |
nemuraseru ねむらせる |
(transitive verb) (1) to put to sleep; (2) (colloquialism) to kill; (3) to leave unused |
眠りこむ see styles |
nemurikomu ねむりこむ |
(v5m,vi) to fall asleep; to sleep deeply |
眠り流し see styles |
nemurinagashi ねむりながし |
ritual to banish the sleep demon (esp. in Tōhoku) |
眠り込む see styles |
nemurikomu ねむりこむ |
(v5m,vi) to fall asleep; to sleep deeply |
眠気覚し see styles |
nemukezamashi ねむけざまし |
keeping oneself awake; fighting off drowsiness; method for keeping oneself awake |
ひと眠り see styles |
hitonemuri ひとねむり |
(noun/participle) (1) (usu. in positive sentences) (a) sleep; (a) nap; (2) first sleep of silkworms |
レム睡眠 see styles |
remusuimin レムすいみん |
REM sleep |
一夜無眠 一夜无眠 see styles |
yī yè - wú mián yi1 ye4 - wu2 mian2 i yeh - wu mien |
to have a sleepless night |
七種隨眠 七种随眠 see styles |
qī zhǒng suí mián qi1 zhong3 sui2 mian2 ch`i chung sui mien chi chung sui mien shichishu zuimin |
seven kinds of latencies |
不眠不休 see styles |
bù mián bù xiū bu4 mian2 bu4 xiu1 pu mien pu hsiu fuminfukyuu / fuminfukyu ふみんふきゅう |
without stopping to sleep or have a rest (idiom) (noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) no sleep or rest; working day and night |
人工冬眠 see styles |
jinkoutoumin / jinkotomin じんこうとうみん |
{med} artificial hibernation; induced hibernation |
休眠打破 see styles |
kyuumindaha / kyumindaha きゅうみんだは |
{bot} dormancy breaking |
休眠火山 see styles |
xiū mián huǒ shān xiu1 mian2 huo3 shan1 hsiu mien huo shan |
dormant volcano |
休眠状態 see styles |
kyuuminjoutai / kyuminjotai きゅうみんじょうたい |
(1) dormant state; torpor; (2) non-operating state; idling |
催眠ガス see styles |
saimingasu さいみんガス |
sleeping gas |
催眠暗示 see styles |
saiminanji さいみんあんじ |
hypnotic suggestion |
催眠狀態 催眠状态 see styles |
cuī mián zhuàng tài cui1 mian2 zhuang4 tai4 ts`ui mien chuang t`ai tsui mien chuang tai |
hypnosis |
催眠療法 see styles |
saiminryouhou / saiminryoho さいみんりょうほう |
hypnotherapy |
催眠術師 see styles |
saiminjutsushi さいみんじゅつし |
hypnotist; mesmerist |
及川眠子 see styles |
oikawaneko おいかわねこ |
(person) Oikawa Neko (1960.2.10-) |
堀口星眠 see styles |
horiguchiseimin / horiguchisemin ほりぐちせいみん |
(person) Horiguchi Seimin |
夜不成眠 see styles |
yè bù chéng mián ye4 bu4 cheng2 mian2 yeh pu ch`eng mien yeh pu cheng mien |
to be unable to sleep at night |
大冬眠鼠 see styles |
ooyamane; ooyamane おおやまね; オオヤマネ |
(kana only) edible dormouse (Glis glis); fat dormouse |
安眠妨害 see styles |
anminbougai / anminbogai あんみんぼうがい |
disturbance of sleep; nuisance in the middle of the night |
徐波睡眠 see styles |
johasuimin じょはすいみん |
(See ノンレム睡眠) non-REM sleep |
微細隨眠 微细随眠 see styles |
wēi xì suí mián wei1 xi4 sui2 mian2 wei hsi sui mien misai zuimin |
extremely subtle latent [afflictions; tendencies] |
徹夜不眠 彻夜不眠 see styles |
chè yè bù mián che4 ye4 bu4 mian2 ch`e yeh pu mien che yeh pu mien |
to be sleepless all night |
快食快眠 see styles |
kaishokukaimin かいしょくかいみん |
good appetite and pleasant sleep; enjoying one's food and sleeping well |
我醉欲眠 see styles |
wǒ zuì yù mián wo3 zui4 yu4 mian2 wo tsui yü mien |
lit. I'm drunk and would like to sleep (idiom); (used to indicate one's sincere and straightforward nature) |
抵足而眠 see styles |
dǐ zú ér mián di3 zu2 er2 mian2 ti tsu erh mien |
lit. to live and sleep together (idiom); fig. a close friendship |
有隨眠者 有随眠者 see styles |
yǒu suí mián zhě you3 sui2 mian2 zhe3 yu sui mien che u zuimin sha |
possessor of latent hindrances |
永害隨眠 永害随眠 see styles |
yǒng hài suí mián yong3 hai4 sui2 mian2 yung hai sui mien yōgai zuimin |
permanently disables latencies |
無心睡眠 无心睡眠 see styles |
wú xīn shuì mián wu2 xin1 shui4 mian2 wu hsin shui mien mushin suimin |
state of thoughtless sleep |
無明隨眠 无明随眠 see styles |
wú míng suí mián wu2 ming2 sui2 mian2 wu ming sui mien mumyō zuimin |
latent nescience |
煩惱隨眠 烦恼随眠 see styles |
fán nǎo suí mián fan2 nao3 sui2 mian2 fan nao sui mien bonnō zuimin |
tendencies for affliction |
熟眠一如 see styles |
shóu mián yī rú shou2 mian2 yi1 ru2 shou mien i ju jukumin ichinyo |
continuous awareness (even) during deep sleep |
睡眠不足 see styles |
shuì mián bù zú shui4 mian2 bu4 zu2 shui mien pu tsu suiminbusoku すいみんぶそく |
lack of sleep; sleep deficit lack of sleep; sleep deprivation |
睡眠周期 see styles |
suiminshuuki / suiminshuki すいみんしゅうき |
sleep cycle |
睡眠失調 睡眠失调 see styles |
shuì mián shī tiáo shui4 mian2 shi1 tiao2 shui mien shih t`iao shui mien shih tiao |
sleep disorder |
睡眠学習 see styles |
suimingakushuu / suimingakushu すいみんがくしゅう |
hypnopaedia; hypnopedia; sleep-learning |
睡眠所覆 睡眠所复 see styles |
shuì mián suǒ fù shui4 mian2 suo3 fu4 shui mien so fu suimin shofuku |
obstructed by drowsiness |
睡眠時間 see styles |
suiminjikan すいみんじかん |
(one's) sleeping hours; hours of sleep |
睡眠発作 see styles |
suiminhossa すいみんほっさ |
narcolepsy |
睡眠負債 see styles |
suiminfusai すいみんふさい |
sleep debt; sleep deficit |
睡眠遮断 see styles |
suiminshadan すいみんしゃだん |
{med} (See 睡眠不足) sleep deprivation |
睡眠障害 see styles |
suiminshougai / suiminshogai すいみんしょうがい |
sleep disorder |
睡眠預金 see styles |
suiminyokin すいみんよきん |
inactive bank account (no withdrawals or deposits made, and to which the owner's rights have been terminated) |
自己催眠 see styles |
jikosaimin じこさいみん |
auto-hypnosis; self-hypnosis; self-induced hypnotism |
自我催眠 see styles |
zì wǒ cuī mián zi4 wo3 cui1 mian2 tzu wo ts`ui mien tzu wo tsui mien |
self-hypnotism |
麤重隨眠 see styles |
cū zhòng suí mián cu1 zhong4 sui2 mian2 ts`u chung sui mien tsu chung sui mien |
debilitating latencies |
Variations: |
nemuribuka; nemuribuka ねむりぶか; ネムリブカ |
(kana only) (See ホワイトチップリーフシャーク) whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus, species of Indo-Pacific requiem shark) |
眠け覚まし see styles |
nemukezamashi ねむけざまし |
keeping oneself awake; fighting off drowsiness; method for keeping oneself awake |
眠りこける see styles |
nemurikokeru ねむりこける |
(v1,vi) to sleep like a log; to sleep deeply |
眠りにつく see styles |
nemurinitsuku ねむりにつく |
(exp,v5k) to fall asleep |
眠りに付く see styles |
nemurinitsuku ねむりにつく |
(exp,v5k) to fall asleep |
眠りに就く see styles |
nemurinitsuku ねむりにつく |
(exp,v5k) to fall asleep |
眠りに着く see styles |
nemurinitsuku ねむりにつく |
(exp,v5k) to fall asleep |
眠気を誘う see styles |
nemukeosasou / nemukeosaso ねむけをさそう |
(exp,v5u) to induce sleep; to cause drowsiness |
眠気覚まし see styles |
nemukezamashi ねむけざまし |
keeping oneself awake; fighting off drowsiness; method for keeping oneself awake |
Variations: |
onemu おねむ |
(kana only) (child. language) sleeping; being sleepy |
九十八隨眠 九十八随眠 see styles |
jiǔ shí bā suí mián jiu3 shi2 ba1 sui2 mian2 chiu shih pa sui mien kujūhachi zuimin |
ninety-eight latent afflictions |
仮眠をとる see styles |
kaminotoru かみんをとる |
(exp,v5r) to take a nap; to get a nap; to get forty winks; to catch some Z's |
仮眠を取る see styles |
kaminotoru かみんをとる |
(exp,v5r) to take a nap; to get a nap; to get forty winks; to catch some Z's |
嗜眠性脳炎 see styles |
shiminseinouen / shiminsenoen しみんせいのうえん |
{med} encephalitis lethargica |
居眠り運転 see styles |
inemuriunten いねむりうんてん |
falling asleep at the wheel |
後催眠暗示 see styles |
gosaiminanji ごさいみんあんじ |
{psych} posthypnotic suggestion |
惛沈睡眠蓋 惛沈睡眠盖 see styles |
hūn shěn shuì mián gài hun1 shen3 shui4 mian2 gai4 hun shen shui mien kai konjin suimin kai |
obscuration of torpor and drowsiness |
惛沉睡眠蓋 惛沉睡眠盖 see styles |
hūn chén shuì mián gài hun1 chen2 shui4 mian2 gai4 hun ch`en shui mien kai hun chen shui mien kai konjin suimin kai |
obscuration of lethargy and sleep |
永遠の眠り see styles |
eiennonemuri / eennonemuri えいえんのねむり |
(exp,n) eternal slumber; everlasting rest; death |
無心睡眠位 无心睡眠位 see styles |
wú xīn shuì mián wèi wu2 xin1 shui4 mian2 wei4 wu hsin shui mien wei mushin suimin i |
state of thoughtless sleep |
煩惱隨眠有 烦恼随眠有 see styles |
fán nǎo suí mián yǒu fan2 nao3 sui2 mian2 you3 fan nao sui mien yu bonnō zuimin u |
latently defiled existence |
睡眠を取る see styles |
suiminotoru すいみんをとる |
(exp,v5r) to get sleep; to sleep |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "眠" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.