There are 259 total results for your 膜 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
123Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
膜 see styles |
mó mo2 mo maku まく |
membrane; film membrane; film A membrane. |
膜厚 see styles |
makuatsu まくあつ |
film thickness; coating thickness |
膜壁 see styles |
makuheki まくへき |
membrane wall |
膜孔 see styles |
mó kǒng mo2 kong3 mo k`ung mo kung |
hole in the body of a musical instrument, covered with a membrane which produces a buzzing tone |
膜性 see styles |
makusei / makuse まくせい |
(can be adjective with の) membranous |
膜拜 see styles |
mó bài mo2 bai4 mo pai makuhai |
to kneel and bow with joined hands at forehead level; to worship To raise the hands to the head in making obeisance. |
膜炎 see styles |
mó yán mo2 yan2 mo yen |
inflammation of membrane; membranitis |
膜状 see styles |
makujou / makujo まくじょう |
(adj-no,n) membranous; membraneous; filmy |
膜質 see styles |
makushitsu まくしつ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) property of a film or membrane |
膜骨 see styles |
makukotsu まくこつ |
membrane bone |
偽膜 see styles |
gimaku ぎまく |
false membrane |
內膜 内膜 see styles |
nèi mó nei4 mo2 nei mo |
inner membrane See: 内膜 |
内膜 see styles |
naimaku ないまく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) lining membrane |
包膜 see styles |
houmaku / homaku ほうまく |
indusium |
卵膜 see styles |
ranmaku らんまく |
egg membrane |
塑膜 see styles |
sù mó su4 mo2 su mo |
plastic film (abbr. for 塑料薄膜[su4 liao4 bo2 mo2]) |
塗膜 see styles |
tomaku とまく |
(dried) paint coating; (layer of) paint |
尿膜 see styles |
nyoumaku / nyomaku にょうまく |
allantois |
弁膜 see styles |
benmaku べんまく |
{anat} valve (of the heart and the veins) |
強膜 see styles |
kyoumaku / kyomaku きょうまく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (anat) sclera |
心膜 see styles |
shinmaku しんまく |
{anat} pericardium; pericardial sac |
核膜 see styles |
kakumaku かくまく |
nuclear membrane |
殘膜 残膜 see styles |
cán mó can2 mo2 ts`an mo tsan mo |
leftover agricultural plastic (as waste or rubbish that needs to be disposed of or recycled) |
油膜 see styles |
yumaku ゆまく |
oil film; oil slick |
滑膜 see styles |
huá mó hua2 mo2 hua mo |
synovial membrane; synovium |
漿膜 浆膜 see styles |
jiāng mó jiang1 mo2 chiang mo shoumaku / shomaku しょうまく |
serosa; serous membrane (smooth moist delicate membranes lining body cavities) (1) serous membrane; (2) chorion |
瓣膜 see styles |
bàn mó ban4 mo2 pan mo |
valve (biological) |
皮膜 see styles |
himaku ひまく |
film; membrane |
瞬膜 see styles |
shùn mó shun4 mo2 shun mo shunmaku しゅんまく |
nictitating membrane (zoology) {zool} nictitating membrane; haw |
硬膜 see styles |
koumaku / komaku こうまく |
{anat} dura; dura mater |
笛膜 see styles |
dí mó di2 mo2 ti mo |
membrane which covers a hole in a flute and produces a buzzing tone |
筋膜 see styles |
jīn mó jin1 mo2 chin mo kinmaku きんまく |
(anatomy) fascia {anat} fascia |
粘膜 see styles |
nián mó nian2 mo2 nien mo nenmaku ねんまく |
mucous membrane (noun - becomes adjective with の) mucous membrane |
結膜 结膜 see styles |
jié mó jie2 mo2 chieh mo ketsumaku けつまく |
conjunctiva (membrane surrounding the eyeball) {anat} conjunctiva |
網膜 网膜 see styles |
wǎng mó wang3 mo2 wang mo moumaku / momaku もうまく |
retina (anatomy) {anat} retina |
羊膜 see styles |
yáng mó yang2 mo2 yang mo youmaku / yomaku ようまく |
(anatomy) amnion (noun - becomes adjective with の) amnion |
翼膜 see styles |
yì mó yi4 mo2 i mo |
patagium |
耳膜 see styles |
ěr mó er3 mo2 erh mo |
eardrum; tympanum (of the middle ear); tympanic membrane |
肋膜 see styles |
rokumaku ろくまく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) pleura |
胎膜 see styles |
taimaku たいまく |
embryonic membrane; fetal membrane; foetal membrane |
胚膜 see styles |
haimaku はいまく |
embryonic membrane |
胞膜 see styles |
houmaku / homaku ほうまく |
indusium |
胸膜 see styles |
xiōng mó xiong1 mo2 hsiung mo kyoumaku / kyomaku きょうまく |
pleural cavity (part of thorax containing lungs) {anat} pleura |
脳膜 see styles |
noumaku / nomaku のうまく |
meninges |
腦膜 脑膜 see styles |
nǎo mó nao3 mo2 nao mo |
meninx; meninges; membranes lining the brain |
腱膜 see styles |
kenmaku けんまく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) aponeurosis |
腹膜 see styles |
fù mó fu4 mo2 fu mo fukumaku ふくまく |
peritoneum (anatomy) {anat} peritoneum |
膈膜 see styles |
gé mó ge2 mo2 ko mo |
diaphragm (anatomy) |
莢膜 see styles |
kyoumaku / kyomaku きょうまく |
(1) {med} (bacterial) capsule; (2) {med} ovarian follicle sheath; theca |
薄膜 see styles |
bó mó bo2 mo2 po mo usumaku; hakumaku うすまく; はくまく |
membrane; film; CL:層|层[ceng2] (noun - becomes adjective with の) thin film |
虹膜 see styles |
hóng mó hong2 mo2 hung mo |
iris (of an eye) |
蝋膜 see styles |
roumaku / romaku ろうまく |
cere; skin at the base of a bird's beak |
被膜 see styles |
himaku ひまく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) coating; film; membrane; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) tunic (plants); capsule |
製膜 see styles |
seimaku / semaku せいまく |
film making; membrane production |
覆膜 see styles |
fù mó fu4 mo2 fu mo |
membrane covering something; coating |
角膜 see styles |
jiǎo mó jiao3 mo2 chiao mo kakumaku かくまく |
cornea {anat} cornea |
貼膜 贴膜 see styles |
tiē mó tie1 mo2 t`ieh mo tieh mo |
protective or tinted film (for LCD screens, car windows etc); facial mask (cosmetics) |
軟膜 see styles |
nanmaku なんまく |
{anat} pia mater (membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord) |
農膜 农膜 see styles |
nóng mó nong2 mo2 nung mo |
agricultural plastic, used largely for creating greenhouses |
間膜 see styles |
kanmaku かんまく |
ligament |
隔膜 see styles |
gé mó ge2 mo2 ko mo kakumaku かくまく |
diaphragm (anatomy); distant (socially aloof); divided by lack of mutual comprehension; nonexpert partition; diaphragm |
面膜 see styles |
miàn mó mian4 mo2 mien mo |
facial mask; cleanser; face pack; facial (treatment) |
鞏膜 巩膜 see styles |
gǒng mó gong3 mo2 kung mo kyoumaku / kyomaku きょうまく |
(anatomy) sclera (noun - becomes adjective with の) (anat) sclera |
飛膜 飞膜 see styles |
fēi mó fei1 mo2 fei mo himaku ひまく |
patagium patagium (vertebrate flying or gliding membrane) |
骨膜 see styles |
gǔ mó gu3 mo2 ku mo kotsumaku こつまく |
periosteum (membrane covering bone) (noun - becomes adjective with の) periosteum |
髄膜 see styles |
zuimaku ずいまく |
{anat} (See 硬膜,くも膜,軟膜) meninges; meninx; membranous coverings |
黏膜 see styles |
nián mó nian2 mo2 nien mo |
mucous membrane |
鼓膜 see styles |
gǔ mó gu3 mo2 ku mo komaku こまく |
eardrum; tympanic membrane {anat} eardrum; tympanic membrane |
膜性骨 see styles |
makuseikotsu / makusekotsu まくせいこつ |
membranous bone |
膜翅目 see styles |
mó chì mù mo2 chi4 mu4 mo ch`ih mu mo chih mu makushimoku まくしもく |
Hymenoptera (insect order including ants and bees) (obsolete) (See 蜂目) Hymenoptera |
膜翅類 see styles |
makushirui まくしるい |
(rare) (See 蜂目) hymenopterans |
膜迷路 see styles |
makumeiro / makumero まくめいろ |
membranous labyrinth (of the inner ear); membraneous labyrinth |
膜電位 see styles |
makudeni まくでんい |
membrane potential |
くも膜 see styles |
kumomaku くもまく |
the arachnoid (membrane) |
保護膜 see styles |
hogomaku ほごまく |
protective coating; protective film; overcoat |
保鮮膜 保鲜膜 see styles |
bǎo xiān mó bao3 xian1 mo2 pao hsien mo |
plastic wrap; preservative film; cling film |
処女膜 see styles |
shojomaku しょじょまく |
{anat} hymen |
半膜肌 see styles |
bàn mó jī ban4 mo2 ji1 pan mo chi |
semimembranosus (anatomy) |
半透膜 see styles |
hantoumaku / hantomaku はんとうまく |
semipermeable membrane |
基底膜 see styles |
kiteimaku / kitemaku きていまく |
{biol} basement membrane; basal lamina |
基質膜 基质膜 see styles |
jī zhì mó ji1 zhi4 mo2 chi chih mo |
basal plasma membrane |
外套膜 see styles |
gaitoumaku / gaitomaku がいとうまく |
mantle (of an invertebrate) |
外質膜 外质膜 see styles |
wài zhì mó wai4 zhi4 mo2 wai chih mo |
external plasma membrane |
大網膜 see styles |
daimoumaku / daimomaku だいもうまく |
{anat} (See 大網) caul; greater omentum |
弁膜症 see styles |
benmakushou / benmakusho べんまくしょう |
{med} (See 心臓弁膜症・しんぞうべんまくしょう) valvular disease; valvular heart disease |
強膜炎 see styles |
kyoumakuen / kyomakuen きょうまくえん |
(med) scleritis |
後腹膜 see styles |
koufukumaku / kofukumaku こうふくまく |
retroperitoneum |
微孔膜 see styles |
wēi kǒng mó wei1 kong3 mo2 wei k`ung mo wei kung mo |
microporous membrane |
心膜炎 see styles |
shinmakuen しんまくえん |
{med} pericarditis |
心膜腔 see styles |
shinmakukou / shinmakuko しんまくこう |
{med} pericardial cavity; pericardial space; cavitas pericardiaca |
振動膜 see styles |
shindoumaku / shindomaku しんどうまく |
(1) vibrating membrane; (2) {ent} tymbal (e.g. of a cicada) |
横膈膜 see styles |
oukakumaku / okakumaku おうかくまく |
(anat) diaphragm |
横隔膜 see styles |
oukakumaku / okakumaku おうかくまく |
(anat) diaphragm |
橫膈膜 横膈膜 see styles |
héng gé mó heng2 ge2 mo2 heng ko mo |
diaphragm (anatomy) See: 横膈膜 |
橫隔膜 横隔膜 see styles |
héng gé mó heng2 ge2 mo2 heng ko mo |
diaphragm (anatomy) See: 横隔膜 |
歯根膜 see styles |
shikonmaku しこんまく |
periodontal membrane; periodontal ligament |
歯膜炎 see styles |
shimakuen しまくえん |
{med} periodontitis |
氣泡膜 气泡膜 see styles |
qì pào mó qi4 pao4 mo2 ch`i p`ao mo chi pao mo |
bubble wrap |
滑液膜 see styles |
katsuekimaku かつえきまく |
{anat} synovial membrane; synovium |
漿尿膜 see styles |
shounyoumaku / shonyomaku しょうにょうまく |
chorioallantois |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "膜" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.