There are 157 total results for your 祇 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
祇 只 see styles |
qí qi2 ch`i chi tada |
god of the earth To revere, venerate; only; translit. j in 祇園精舍; 祇樹給孤獨園 The vihāra and garden Jetavana, bought by Anāthapiṇḍaka from prince Jeta and given to Śākyamuni.; The Earth-Spirit; repose; vast; translit. j, g. |
祇勝 see styles |
masakatsu まさかつ |
(personal name) Masakatsu |
祇園 祇园 see styles |
qí yuán qi2 yuan2 ch`i yüan chi yüan gion ぎおん |
(place-name, surname) Gion (entertainment district in Kyoto) Jetavana |
祇夜 只夜 see styles |
qí yè qi2 ye4 ch`i yeh chi yeh giya |
geya, singing; geyam, a song; preceding prose repeated inverse; odes in honour of the saints; cf. 伽陀 gāthā. |
祇年 see styles |
ginen ぎねん |
(given name) Ginen |
祇支 只支 see styles |
qí zhī qi2 zhi1 ch`i chih chi chih gishi |
v. 僧祇支. |
祇文 see styles |
gibun ぎぶん |
(given name) Gibun |
祇晶 see styles |
masaaki / masaki まさあき |
(given name) Masaaki |
祇杏 see styles |
shian しあん |
(female given name) Shian |
祇樹 祇树 see styles |
qí shù qi2 shu4 ch`i shu chi shu tadaki ただき |
(surname) Tadaki Jetavana Anāthapiṇḍada-ārāma |
祇洹 see styles |
qí huán qi2 huan2 ch`i huan chi huan Gion |
Jetavana |
祇空 see styles |
gikuu / giku ぎくう |
(personal name) Gikuu |
祇董 see styles |
masayoshi まさよし |
(male given name) Masayoshi |
祇賀 see styles |
masanori まさのり |
(given name) Masanori |
祇陀 只陀 see styles |
qí tuó qi2 tuo2 ch`i t`o chi to Gida |
Jetṛ; Jetā; victor, a prince of Śrāvastī, son of king Prasenajit, and previous owner of the Jetavana. |
祇麿 see styles |
masamaro まさまろ |
(given name) Masamaro |
僧祇 see styles |
sēng qí seng1 qi2 seng ch`i seng chi sōgi |
sāṅghika, relating to a saṅgha; a complete set of land and buildings for a monastery. |
南祇 see styles |
nangi なんぎ |
(surname) Nangi |
吉祇 see styles |
yoshiki よしき |
(surname) Yoshiki |
地祇 see styles |
dì qí di4 qi2 ti ch`i ti chi jigi ちぎ |
earth spirit gods of the land; earthly deities earth deity |
太祇 see styles |
taigi たいぎ |
(given name) Taigi |
宗祇 see styles |
sougi / sogi そうぎ |
(surname) Sougi; (person) Sougi (1421-1502) |
山祇 see styles |
yamazumi やまずみ |
(place-name) Yamazumi |
拔祇 see styles |
bá qí ba2 qi2 pa ch`i pa chi Bachi |
Vṛji |
摩祇 摩只 see styles |
mó qí mo2 qi2 mo ch`i mo chi magi |
A medicine that can eradicate poison, and so overpowering that serpents avoid it; also 摩蛇; 摩蚳; 摩醯; 莫耆. |
曽祇 see styles |
sogi そぎ |
(surname) Sogi |
白祇 see styles |
hakugi はくぎ |
(given name) Hakugi |
神祇 see styles |
shén qí shen2 qi2 shen ch`i shen chi jingi じんぎ |
god; deity gods of heaven and earth |
越祇 see styles |
yuè qí yue4 qi2 yüeh ch`i yüeh chi Otsugi |
Vṛji |
青祇 see styles |
seigi / segi せいぎ |
(given name) Seigi |
麻祇 see styles |
asagi あさぎ |
(female given name) Asagi |
祇不過 see styles |
zhǐ bù guò zhi3 bu4 guo4 chih pu kuo |
it's just that ... |
祇園下 see styles |
gionshita ぎおんした |
(surname) Gionshita |
祇園中 see styles |
gionnaka ぎおんなか |
(place-name) Gionnaka |
祇園会 see styles |
gione ぎおんえ |
(See 祇園祭) Gion Festival (in Kyoto during the month of July, with high point on the 17th) |
祇園南 see styles |
gionminami ぎおんみなみ |
(place-name) Gionminami |
祇園原 see styles |
gionbara ぎおんばら |
(place-name) Gionbara |
祇園台 see styles |
giondai ぎおんだい |
(place-name) Giondai |
祇園寺 see styles |
gionji ぎおんじ |
(surname) Gionji |
祇園山 see styles |
gionyama ぎおんやま |
(personal name) Gion'yama |
祇園岬 see styles |
gionmisaki ぎおんみさき |
(place-name) Gionmisaki |
祇園川 see styles |
giongawa ぎおんがわ |
(place-name) Giongawa |
祇園東 see styles |
gionhigashi ぎおんひがし |
(place-name) Gionhigashi |
祇園橋 see styles |
gionbashi ぎおんばし |
(place-name) Gionbashi |
祇園滝 see styles |
giontaki ぎおんたき |
(place-name) Giontaki |
祇園田 see styles |
gionda ぎおんだ |
(surname) Gionda |
祇園町 see styles |
gionmachi ぎおんまち |
(place-name) Gionmachi |
祇園白 see styles |
gionhaku ぎおんはく |
(surname) Gionhaku |
祇園社 see styles |
gionsha ぎおんしゃ |
(place-name) Gion-sha (former name for Yasaka-Jinja) |
祇園祭 see styles |
gionmatsuri ぎおんまつり |
Gion Festival (in Kyoto during the month of July, with high point on the 17th); (ev) Gion Festival (in Kyoto during the month of July, with high point on the 17th) |
祇園西 see styles |
gionnishi ぎおんにし |
(place-name) Gionnishi |
祇園迫 see styles |
gionzako ぎおんざこ |
(place-name) Gionzako |
祇多蜜 只多蜜 see styles |
qí duō mì qi2 duo1 mi4 ch`i to mi chi to mi Gitamitsu |
Gītamitra, tr. 謌友 'friend of song', who in the fourth century tr. some twenty-five works into Chinese. |
祇林寺 see styles |
qí lín sì qi2 lin2 si4 ch`i lin ssu chi lin ssu Girinji |
Girimsa |
祇洹寺 see styles |
qí yuán sì qi2 yuan2 si4 ch`i yüan ssu chi yüan ssu Gionji |
Qiyuansi |
祇王寺 see styles |
giouji / gioji ぎおうじ |
(personal name) Giouji |
祇苗島 see styles |
tadanaetou / tadanaeto ただなえとう |
(personal name) Tadanaetō |
祇陀林 see styles |
qí tuó lín qi2 tuo2 lin2 ch`i t`o lin chi to lin Gidarin |
Jetavana Anāthapindada-ārāma |
三僧祇 see styles |
sān sēng qí san1 seng1 qi2 san seng ch`i san seng chi sansōgi |
idem 三阿僧祇劫. |
上祇園 see styles |
kamigion かみぎおん |
(place-name) Kamigion |
下祇園 see styles |
shimogion しもぎおん |
(place-name) Shimogion |
僧祇劫 see styles |
sēng qí jié seng1 qi2 jie2 seng ch`i chieh seng chi chieh sōgi kō |
incalculably long eon |
僧祇律 see styles |
sēng qí lǜ seng1 qi2 lv4 seng ch`i lü seng chi lü Sōgi ritsu |
Sāṅghikā-vinaya, the rules for monks and nuns. |
僧祇支 see styles |
sēng qí zhī seng1 qi2 zhi1 seng ch`i chih seng chi chih sōgishi |
saṅkakṣikā or uttarasaṅghāṭī, described as a kind of toga passed over the left shoulder and under the right armpit; also 僧迦; 僧竭支; 僧却崎; 僧脚欹迦; 祇支; 竭支. |
僧祇物 see styles |
sēng qí wù seng1 qi2 wu4 seng ch`i wu seng chi wu sōgi motsu |
Monastic possessions, or things. |
僧祇部 see styles |
sēng qí bù seng1 qi2 bu4 seng ch`i pu seng chi pu Sōgi bu |
Sāṅghikāḥ, the Mahāsāṅghikāḥ school, v. 大衆部. |
山祇町 see styles |
yamazumichou / yamazumicho やまずみちょう |
(place-name) Yamazumichō |
摩鄧祇 摩邓祇 see styles |
mó dèng qí mo2 deng4 qi2 mo teng ch`i mo teng chi matōgi |
(Skt. mātaṅgī) |
森祇晶 see styles |
morimasaaki / morimasaki もりまさあき |
(person) Mori Masaaki (1937.1.9-) |
楞祇芒 see styles |
lèng qí máng leng4 qi2 mang2 leng ch`i mang leng chi mang ryōgibō |
night-shade |
炭太祇 see styles |
tantaigi たんたいぎ |
(person) Tan Taigi |
瑜伽祇 瑜伽只 see styles |
yú qié qí yu2 qie2 qi2 yü ch`ieh ch`i yü chieh chi yugagi |
瑜岐; 瑜祁 yogin, one who practises yoga. |
瑜祇經 瑜祇经 see styles |
yú qí jīng yu2 qi2 jing1 yü ch`i ching yü chi ching Yugi kyō |
Yuqi jing |
神祇伯 see styles |
jingihaku じんぎはく |
(See 神祇官・2) head of the Department of Worship |
神祇官 see styles |
jingikan じんぎかん |
(1) (じんぎかん only) (obsolete) Department of Divinities (1868-1871); (2) (hist) (See 律令制) Department of Worship (under the ritsuryō system); (place-name) Jingikan |
神祇省 see styles |
jingishou / jingisho じんぎしょう |
(obsolete) Ministry of Divinities (1871-1872) |
神祇院 see styles |
jingiin / jingin じんぎいん |
(hist) Institute of Divinities (1940-1946) |
神路祇 see styles |
kourogi / korogi こうろぎ |
(surname) Kōrogi |
笠祇岳 see styles |
kasagidake かさぎだけ |
(personal name) Kasagidake |
紗祇子 see styles |
sadako さだこ |
(female given name) Sadako |
羅閲祇 罗阅祇 see styles |
luó yuè qí luo2 yue4 qi2 lo yüeh ch`i lo yüeh chi Raetsugi |
Rājagṛha |
越祇國 越祇国 see styles |
yuè qí guó yue4 qi2 guo2 yüeh ch`i kuo yüeh chi kuo Otsugi koku |
Vṛji |
阿僧祇 see styles |
ā sēng qí a1 seng1 qi2 a seng ch`i a seng chi asougi / asogi あそうぎ |
(1) {Buddh} a number so great it can never be counted to (san: asamkhya); (numeric) (2) 10^56 (or 10^64) asaṅkhya, asaṅkhyeya, 阿僧企耶; 僧祇 intp. 無數 innumerable, countless, said to be 一千萬萬萬萬萬萬萬萬兆 kalpas. There are four asaṅkhyākalpas in the rise, duration, and end of every universe, cf. 劫. |
阿祇儞 阿只儞 see styles |
ā qí nǐ a1 qi2 ni3 a ch`i ni a chi ni agini |
or 阿祇尼 Agni, 阿耆尼 (or 阿擬尼) Fire, the fire-deva. |
阿祇利 see styles |
ā qí lì a1 qi2 li4 a ch`i li a chi li ashiri |
ācārya |
阿祇尼 see styles |
ā qí ní a1 qi2 ni2 a ch`i ni a chi ni agini |
agni |
祇哆槃林 see styles |
qí chǐ pán lín qi2 chi3 pan2 lin2 ch`i ch`ih p`an lin chi chih pan lin Gitahanrin |
Jetavana |
祇哆槃那 只哆槃那 see styles |
qí chǐ pán nà qi2 chi3 pan2 na4 ch`i ch`ih p`an na chi chih pan na Gitahanna |
(or 祇哆槃林); 祇園 (祇園精舍); 祇樹園; 祇樹給孤獨園; 祇樹花林窟; 祇桓林 (or 祇洹林); 祇陀林 (or 祇陀園); also 逝 or 誓多, etc. Jetavana, a park near Śrāvastī, said to have been obtained from Prince Jeta by the elder Anāthapiṇḍika, in which monasterial buildings were erected, the favourite resort of Śākyamuni. Two hundred years later it is said to have been destroyed by fire, rebuilt smaller 500 years after, and again a century later burnt down; thirteen years afterwards it was rebuilt on the earlier scale but a century later entirely destroyed. This is the account given in 法苑珠林 39. |
祇園の社 see styles |
gionnoyashiro ぎおんのやしろ |
(place-name) Gion no Yashiro (former name for Yasaka-Jinja) |
祇園之洲 see styles |
gionnosu ぎおんのす |
(place-name) Gionnosu |
祇園南海 see styles |
gionnankai ぎおんなんかい |
(person) Gion Nankai |
祇園原町 see styles |
gionbaramachi ぎおんばらまち |
(place-name) Gionbaramachi |
祇園大橋 see styles |
gionoohashi ぎおんおおはし |
(place-name) Gion'oohashi |
祇園女御 see styles |
gionnonyougo / gionnonyogo ぎおんのにょうご |
(personal name) Gionnonyougo |
祇園新橋 see styles |
gionshinbashi ぎおんしんばし |
(place-name) Gionshinbashi |
祇園用水 see styles |
gionyousui / gionyosui ぎおんようすい |
(place-name) Gionyousui |
祇園祭り see styles |
gionmatsuri ぎおんまつり |
Gion Festival (in Kyoto during the month of July, with high point on the 17th) |
祇園精舍 祇园精舍 see styles |
qí yuán jīng shē qi2 yuan2 jing1 she1 ch`i yüan ching she chi yüan ching she Gion shōja |
Jetavana Anāthapiṇḍada-ārāma |
祇園精舎 see styles |
gionshouja / gionshoja ぎおんしょうじゃ |
(place-name) Jetavana Monastery (India); Jetavana-vihara |
祇洹精舍 see styles |
qí huán jīng shè qi2 huan2 jing1 she4 ch`i huan ching she chi huan ching she Gion shōja |
Jetavana-vihāra |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "祇" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.