There are 2357 total results for your 王 search. I have created 24 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12345678910...Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
王 see styles |
wàng wang4 wang wan わん |
More info & calligraphy: King(n,n-suf) (1) king; ruler; sovereign; monarch; (n,n-suf) (2) tycoon; magnate; champion; master; (n,n-suf) (3) (abbreviation) {shogi} (See 王将・おうしょう・1) king (of the senior player); (surname) Wan rāja, king, prince, royal; to rule. |
王一 see styles |
ouichi / oichi おういち |
(given name) Ouichi |
王丸 see styles |
oumaru / omaru おうまる |
(place-name, surname) Oumaru |
王丹 see styles |
wáng dān wang2 dan1 wang tan wandan わんだん |
Wang Dan (1969-), Chinese dissident, one of the leaders of the Beijing student democracy movement of 1989 (person) Wan Dan (1965-) |
王事 see styles |
wáng shì wang2 shi4 wang shih ouji / oji おうじ |
imperial cause; royal cause royal affairs |
王五 see styles |
wáng wǔ wang2 wu3 wang wu |
Wang Wu, name for an unspecified person, third of a series of three: 張三|张三[Zhang1 San1], 李四[Li3 Si4], 王五 Tom, Dick and Harry |
王井 see styles |
oui / oi おうい |
(surname) Oui |
王仁 see styles |
wani わに |
(given name) Wani |
王仙 see styles |
wáng xiān wang2 xian1 wang hsien ōsen |
A royalṛṣi, i. e. a sovereign who retires from the world and attains to the five transcendent powers. |
王伾 see styles |
wáng pī wang2 pi1 wang p`i wang pi |
Wang Pi (-c. 806), Tang dynasty chancellor and a leader of failed Yongzhen reform 永貞革新|永贞革新 of 805 |
王位 see styles |
wáng wèi wang2 wei4 wang wei oui / oi おうい |
title of king; kingship the throne; the crown |
王供 see styles |
ootomo おおとも |
(surname) Ootomo |
王侯 see styles |
wáng hóu wang2 hou2 wang hou oukou / oko おうこう |
aristocracy the king and his feudal lords |
王俊 see styles |
kimitoshi きみとし |
(male given name) Kimitoshi |
王偏 see styles |
ouhen / ohen おうへん |
(See 玉偏) kanji "jewel" radical at left (looks like "king") (radical 96) |
王儲 王储 see styles |
wáng chǔ wang2 chu3 wang ch`u wang chu |
crown prince |
王允 see styles |
ouin / oin おういん |
(personal name) Ouin |
王充 see styles |
wáng chōng wang2 chong1 wang ch`ung wang chung oujuu / oju おうじゅう |
Wang Chong (27-97), rationalist and critical philosopher (person) Wang Chong (27-97 CE; Chinese philosopher) |
王党 see styles |
outou / oto おうとう |
royalists; monarchists |
王入 see styles |
ouire / oire おういれ |
(place-name) Ouire |
王八 see styles |
wáng ba wang2 ba5 wang pa |
softshell turtle; cuckold; (old) male owner of a brothel |
王公 see styles |
wáng gōng wang2 gong1 wang kung oukou / oko おうこう |
princes and dukes; aristocrat (1) royalty and nobility; (2) noble; aristocrat |
王冠 see styles |
wáng guān wang2 guan1 wang kuan teぃara てぃあら |
crown (noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) crown; diadem; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) bottle cap; (female given name) Tiara |
王出 see styles |
ouide / oide おういで |
(surname) Ouide |
王制 see styles |
ousei / ose おうせい |
monarchical system |
王前 see styles |
oumae / omae おうまえ |
(surname) Oumae |
王力 see styles |
wáng lì wang2 li4 wang li |
Wang Li (1900-1986), one of the pioneers of modern Chinese linguistics |
王勃 see styles |
wáng bó wang2 bo2 wang po |
Wang Bo (650-676), one of the Four Great Poets of the Early Tang 初唐四傑|初唐四杰[Chu1 Tang2 Si4 jie2] |
王化 see styles |
wáng huà wang2 hua4 wang hua ouka / oka おうか |
beneficial influence of the sovereign (noun/participle) imperial influence; assimilation of new territory |
王原 see styles |
ouhara / ohara おうはら |
(surname) Ouhara |
王古 see styles |
wáng gǔ wang2 gu3 wang ku Ōko |
Wanggu, name of a President of the Board of Rites during the Sung dynasty, who was also a devout Buddhist, end of eleventh century. |
王台 see styles |
oudai / odai おうだい |
queen cell (of a beehive); royal cell |
王司 see styles |
ouji / oji おうじ |
(surname) Ouji |
王后 see styles |
wáng hòu wang2 hou4 wang hou oukou / oko おうこう |
More info & calligraphy: Queen / Empressqueen |
王国 see styles |
oukoku / okoku おうこく |
kingdom; monarchy |
王國 王国 see styles |
wáng guó wang2 guo2 wang kuo oukuni / okuni おうくに |
kingdom; realm (surname) Oukuni |
王土 see styles |
oudo / odo おうど |
royal or imperial domain |
王地 see styles |
ouchi / ochi おうち |
(surname) Ouchi |
王坂 see styles |
ousaka / osaka おうさか |
(surname) Ousaka |
王城 see styles |
wáng chéng wang2 cheng2 wang ch`eng wang cheng ooki おおき |
royal castle; imperial castle; (surname) Ooki Rājagṛha |
王堂 see styles |
kimitaka きみたか |
(personal name) Kimitaka |
王塚 see styles |
ootsuka おおつか |
(place-name) Ootsuka |
王墓 see styles |
oohaka おおはか |
(place-name) Oohaka |
王外 see styles |
ougai / ogai おうがい |
(personal name) Ougai |
王太 see styles |
outa / ota おうた |
(personal name) Outa |
王夫 see styles |
takao たかお |
(personal name) Takao |
王女 see styles |
wáng nǚ wang2 nv3 wang nü oujo(p); ounyo(ok) / ojo(p); onyo(ok) おうじょ(P); おうにょ(ok) |
More info & calligraphy: Princessprincess |
王妃 see styles |
wáng fēi wang2 fei1 wang fei waki わき |
princess (in Europe) queen (consort); empress (consort); (female given name) Waki (Skt. rājñī) |
王威 see styles |
oui / oi おうい |
(personal name) Oui |
王婿 see styles |
ousei / ose おうせい |
(See 王配・おうはい) prince consort |
王子 see styles |
wáng zǐ wang2 zi3 wang tzu kimiko きみこ |
More info & calligraphy: Prince(1) prince; (2) subordinate Kumano shrine; (female given name) Kimiko prince |
王孫 王孙 see styles |
wáng sūn wang2 sun1 wang sun ouson / oson おうそん |
children of the nobility royal grandson |
王室 see styles |
wáng shì wang2 shi4 wang shih oushitsu / oshitsu おうしつ |
royal family; royal household royal family |
王宮 王宫 see styles |
wáng gōng wang2 gong1 wang kung oukyuu / okyu おうきゅう |
imperial palace royal palace royal palace |
王家 see styles |
wáng jiā wang2 jia1 wang chia ouke / oke おうけ |
princely royal family the king's household |
王寺 see styles |
ooji おおじ |
(place-name) Ooji |
王寿 see styles |
mihogi みほぎ |
(female given name) Mihogi |
王将 see styles |
oushou / osho おうしょう |
{shogi} king (of the senior player) |
王導 王导 see styles |
wáng dǎo wang2 dao3 wang tao |
Wang Dao (276-339), powerful official of Jin dynasty and brother of general Wang Dun 王敦, regent of Jin from 325 |
王尾 see styles |
oubi / obi おうび |
(surname) Oubi |
王山 see styles |
ouyama / oyama おうやま |
(place-name) Ouyama |
王岡 see styles |
ouoka / ooka おうおか |
(surname) Ouoka |
王岳 see styles |
oudake / odake おうだけ |
(personal name) Oudake |
王島 see styles |
oushima / oshima おうしま |
(surname) Oushima |
王川 see styles |
oukawa / okawa おうかわ |
(surname) Oukawa |
王師 王师 see styles |
wáng shī wang2 shi1 wang shih oushi / oshi おうし |
emperor's teacher; imperial army royal preceptor |
王平 see styles |
wáng píng wang2 ping2 wang p`ing wang ping |
Wang Ping (1962-2013), PRC crosstalk actor |
王府 see styles |
wáng fǔ wang2 fu3 wang fu oufu / ofu おうふ |
prince's mansion (archaism) royal government (esp. Ryukyu Kingdom) |
王座 see styles |
wáng zuò wang2 zuo4 wang tso ooza おおざ |
throne (1) throne; (2) first place; top spot; championship; (place-name) Ooza throne |
王建 see styles |
ouken / oken おうけん |
(personal name) Ouken |
王弟 see styles |
outei / ote おうてい |
royal prince; crown prince's younger brother |
王弼 see styles |
wáng bì wang2 bi4 wang pi ouhitsu / ohitsu おうひつ |
Wang Bi (226-249), Chinese neo-Daoist philosopher (personal name) Ouhitsu Wang Bi |
王彦 see styles |
takahiko たかひこ |
(male given name) Takahiko |
王思 see styles |
oushi / oshi おうし |
(personal name) Oushi |
王恂 see styles |
oujun / ojun おうじゅん |
(personal name) Oujun |
王恵 see styles |
kimie きみえ |
(female given name) Kimie |
王手 see styles |
oute / ote おうて |
(noun/participle) {shogi} check |
王政 see styles |
ousei / ose おうせい |
monarchy; imperial rule |
王敦 see styles |
wáng dūn wang2 dun1 wang tun |
Wang Dun (266-324), powerful general of Jin dynasty and brother of civil official Wang Dao 王導|王导, subsequently rebellious warlord 322-324 |
王數 王数 see styles |
wáng shù wang2 shu4 wang shu ōshu |
mind as a whole and its various factors |
王族 see styles |
ouzoku / ozoku おうぞく |
royalty; royal family |
王日 see styles |
wáng rì wang2 ri4 wang jih ōnichi |
idem 八王日. |
王昌 see styles |
oushou / osho おうしょう |
(given name) Oushou |
王明 see styles |
wáng míng wang2 ming2 wang ming takaaki / takaki たかあき |
Wang Ming (1904-1974), Soviet-trained Chinese communist, Comintern and Soviet stooge and left adventurist in the 1930s, fell out with Mao and moved to Soviet Union from 1956 (personal name) Takaaki |
王春 see styles |
takaharu たかはる |
(male given name) Takaharu |
王晴 see styles |
kimiharu きみはる |
(male given name) Kimiharu |
王晶 see styles |
uぉnchin うぉんちん |
(personal name) Wonchin |
王月 see styles |
ootsuki おおつき |
(surname) Ootsuki |
王朔 see styles |
wáng shuò wang2 shuo4 wang shuo |
Wang Shuo (1958-), Chinese writer, director and actor |
王朝 see styles |
wáng cháo wang2 chao2 wang ch`ao wang chao ouchou / ocho おうちょう |
dynasty dynasty |
王木 see styles |
ouki / oki おうき |
(surname) Ouki |
王本 see styles |
oomoto おおもと |
(surname) Oomoto |
王村 see styles |
oumura / omura おうむら |
(surname) Oumura |
王枝 see styles |
kimie きみえ |
(female given name) Kimie |
王森 see styles |
oumori / omori おうもり |
(surname) Oumori |
王植 see styles |
ouue / oue おううえ |
(surname) Ouue |
王楠 see styles |
wáng nán wang2 nan2 wang nan |
Wang Nan (1978-), female PRC table tennis player, Olympic medalist |
王楽 see styles |
ouraku / oraku おうらく |
(personal name) Ouraku |
王様 see styles |
ousama / osama おうさま |
(honorific or respectful language) king; (personal name) Ousama |
王権 see styles |
ouken / oken おうけん |
royal authority; regal power; authority of the king |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "王" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.