There are 144 total results for your 抽 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
抽 see styles |
chōu chou1 ch`ou chou chū |
to draw out; to pull out from in between; to remove part of the whole; (of certain plants) to sprout or bud; to whip or thrash Draw, withdraw, pull out. |
抽中 see styles |
chōu zhòng chou1 zhong4 ch`ou chung chou chung |
to win (a prize in a lottery) |
抽井 see styles |
nukui ぬくい |
(surname) Nukui |
抽冬 see styles |
hikufuyu ひくふゆ |
(surname) Hikufuyu |
抽出 see styles |
chōu chū chou1 chu1 ch`ou ch`u chou chu chuushutsu / chushutsu ちゅうしゅつ |
to take out; to extract (noun, transitive verb) (1) extraction; abstraction; (noun, transitive verb) (2) selection (from a group); sampling |
抽動 抽动 see styles |
chōu dòng chou1 dong4 ch`ou tung chou tung |
to twitch; to throb; a spasm; to divert (money) to other uses |
抽匣 see styles |
hikidashi ひきだし |
(1) drawer; (2) withdrawal; drawing out; (3) variety of knowledge and experience useful for handling things impromptu |
抽取 see styles |
chōu qǔ chou1 qu3 ch`ou ch`ü chou chü |
to extract; to remove; to draw (a sales commission, venom from a snake etc) |
抽口 see styles |
nukiguchi ぬきぐち |
(surname) Nukiguchi |
抽名 see styles |
nukina ぬきな |
(surname) Nukina |
抽咽 see styles |
chōu yè chou1 ye4 ch`ou yeh chou yeh |
to sob |
抽噎 see styles |
chōu yē chou1 ye1 ch`ou yeh chou yeh |
to sob |
抽屜 抽屉 see styles |
chōu ti chou1 ti5 ch`ou t`i chou ti |
drawer |
抽帆 see styles |
yuho ゆほ |
(female given name) Yuho |
抽打 see styles |
chōu dǎ chou1 da3 ch`ou ta chou ta |
to whip; to flog; to thrash |
抽挿 see styles |
chuusou / chuso ちゅうそう |
(colloquialism) in and out movement (esp. during intercourse); pistoning |
抽插 see styles |
chōu chā chou1 cha1 ch`ou ch`a chou cha |
to slide in and out; thrusting |
抽搐 see styles |
chōu chù chou1 chu4 ch`ou ch`u chou chu |
to twitch |
抽搭 see styles |
chōu da chou1 da5 ch`ou ta chou ta |
to sob |
抽斎 see styles |
chuusai / chusai ちゅうさい |
(personal name) Chuusai |
抽斗 see styles |
chōu dǒu chou1 dou3 ch`ou tou chou tou hikidashi ひきだし |
drawer (out-dated kanji) (1) drawer; (2) withdrawal; drawing out; (3) variety of knowledge and experience useful for handling things impromptu |
抽查 see styles |
chōu chá chou1 cha2 ch`ou ch`a chou cha |
random inspection; to do a spot check |
抽樣 抽样 see styles |
chōu yàng chou1 yang4 ch`ou yang chou yang |
sample; sampling |
抽檢 抽检 see styles |
chōu jiǎn chou1 jian3 ch`ou chien chou chien |
sampling; spot check; random test |
抽氣 抽气 see styles |
chōu qì chou1 qi4 ch`ou ch`i chou chi |
to draw air out |
抽水 see styles |
chōu shuǐ chou1 shui3 ch`ou shui chou shui |
to pump water; (coll.) to shrink in the wash |
抽泣 see styles |
chōu qì chou1 qi4 ch`ou ch`i chou chi |
to sob spasmodically |
抽煙 抽烟 see styles |
chōu yān chou1 yan1 ch`ou yen chou yen |
to smoke (tobacco) (variant of 抽菸|抽烟[chou1yan1]) |
抽獎 抽奖 see styles |
chōu jiǎng chou1 jiang3 ch`ou chiang chou chiang |
to draw a prize; a lottery; a raffle |
抽痛 see styles |
chōu tòng chou1 tong4 ch`ou t`ung chou tung |
to throb with pain; throbbing pain; twang; pang; CL:陣|阵[zhen4] |
抽稅 抽税 see styles |
chōu shuì chou1 shui4 ch`ou shui chou shui |
to tax; to levy a tax |
抽空 see styles |
chōu kòng chou1 kong4 ch`ou k`ung chou kung |
to find the time to do something |
抽筋 see styles |
chōu jīn chou1 jin1 ch`ou chin chou chin |
cramp; charley horse; to pull a tendon |
抽籤 抽签 see styles |
chōu qiān chou1 qian1 ch`ou ch`ien chou chien chūsen ちゅうせん |
to perform divination with sticks; to draw lots; a ballot (in share dealing) (out-dated kanji) (noun/participle) lottery; raffle; drawing (of lots) To draw lots, seek divine indications, etc. |
抽紙 抽纸 see styles |
chōu zhǐ chou1 zhi3 ch`ou chih chou chih |
paper tissue (in a box) |
抽絲 抽丝 see styles |
chōu sī chou1 si1 ch`ou ssu chou ssu |
to spin silk |
抽脂 see styles |
chōu zhī chou1 zhi1 ch`ou chih chou chih |
liposuction |
抽脫 抽脱 see styles |
chōu tuō chou1 tuo1 ch`ou t`o chou to chūdatsu |
To go to the latrine. |
抽菸 抽烟 see styles |
chōu yān chou1 yan1 ch`ou yen chou yen |
to smoke (tobacco) |
抽號 抽号 see styles |
chōu hào chou1 hao4 ch`ou hao chou hao |
to randomly select (as for a lottery); to take a number (for queuing) |
抽血 see styles |
chōu xuè chou1 xue4 ch`ou hsüeh chou hsüeh |
to take blood; to draw blood (e.g. for a test) |
抽調 抽调 see styles |
chōu diào chou1 diao4 ch`ou tiao chou tiao |
to transfer (personnel or material) |
抽象 see styles |
chōu xiàng chou1 xiang4 ch`ou hsiang chou hsiang chuushou / chusho ちゅうしょう |
abstract; abstraction; CL:種|种[zhong3] (noun, transitive verb) (ant: 具象,具体) abstraction |
抽貸 抽贷 see styles |
chōu dài chou1 dai4 ch`ou tai chou tai |
to call in a loan |
抽身 see styles |
chōu shēn chou1 shen1 ch`ou shen chou shen |
to get away from; to withdraw; to free oneself |
抽選 see styles |
chuusen / chusen ちゅうせん |
(noun/participle) lottery; raffle; drawing (of lots) |
抽那 see styles |
nukina ぬきな |
(surname) Nukina |
抽離 抽离 see styles |
chōu lí chou1 li2 ch`ou li chou li |
to remove; to step back from involvement; to disengage |
抽頭 抽头 see styles |
chōu tóu chou1 tou2 ch`ou t`ou chou tou |
to take a percentage of the winnings (in gambling); tap (in an electromagnetic coil); drawer (of a desk etc) |
抽風 抽风 see styles |
chōu fēng chou1 feng1 ch`ou feng chou feng |
to ventilate; to induce a draft; spasm; convulsion |
抽驗 抽验 see styles |
chōu yàn chou1 yan4 ch`ou yen chou yen |
to test a random sample; to spot-check |
回抽 see styles |
huí chōu hui2 chou1 hui ch`ou hui chou |
to pull back; to withdraw; (finance) (of a stock price etc) to retrace |
找抽 see styles |
zhǎo chōu zhao3 chou1 chao ch`ou chao chou |
(coll.) to look for trouble |
欠抽 see styles |
qiàn chōu qian4 chou1 ch`ien ch`ou chien chou |
(coll.) to deserve a slap in the face |
生抽 see styles |
shēng chōu sheng1 chou1 sheng ch`ou sheng chou |
light soy sauce |
老抽 see styles |
lǎo chōu lao3 chou1 lao ch`ou lao chou |
dark soy sauce |
透抽 see styles |
tòu chōu tou4 chou1 t`ou ch`ou tou chou |
swordtip squid (Tw) |
雙抽 双抽 see styles |
shuāng chōu shuang1 chou1 shuang ch`ou shuang chou |
black soy sauce |
抽せん see styles |
chuusen / chusen ちゅうせん |
(noun/participle) lottery; raffle; drawing (of lots) |
抽冷子 see styles |
chōu lěng zi chou1 leng3 zi5 ch`ou leng tzu chou leng tzu |
(coll.) unexpectedly |
抽出し see styles |
hikidashi ひきだし |
(1) drawer; (2) withdrawal; drawing out; (3) variety of knowledge and experience useful for handling things impromptu |
抽出法 see styles |
chuushutsuhou / chushutsuho ちゅうしゅつほう |
(1) (See サンプリング・1) sampling (e.g. for a survey); (2) {chem} extraction method |
抽出物 see styles |
chuushutsubutsu / chushutsubutsu ちゅうしゅつぶつ |
extract (from) |
抽動症 抽动症 see styles |
chōu dòng zhèng chou1 dong4 zheng4 ch`ou tung cheng chou tung cheng |
Tourette syndrome |
抽嘴巴 see styles |
chōu zuǐ ba chou1 zui3 ba5 ch`ou tsui pa chou tsui pa |
to slap |
抽大解 see styles |
chōu dà jiě chou1 da4 jie3 ch`ou ta chieh chou ta chieh chūdaige |
defecation |
抽時間 抽时间 see styles |
chōu shí jiān chou1 shi2 jian1 ch`ou shih chien chou shih chien |
to (try to) find the time to |
抽水機 抽水机 see styles |
chōu shuǐ jī chou1 shui3 ji1 ch`ou shui chi chou shui chi |
water pump |
抽水泵 see styles |
chōu shuǐ bèng chou1 shui3 beng4 ch`ou shui peng chou shui peng |
water pump |
抽水站 see styles |
chōu shuǐ zhàn chou1 shui3 zhan4 ch`ou shui chan chou shui chan |
water pumping station |
抽筒子 see styles |
chuutoushi / chutoshi ちゅうとうし |
extractor (rifle) |
抽籤券 see styles |
chuusenken / chusenken ちゅうせんけん |
lottery ticket |
抽認卡 抽认卡 see styles |
chōu rèn kǎ chou1 ren4 ka3 ch`ou jen k`a chou jen ka |
flashcard |
抽象化 see styles |
chuushouka / chushoka ちゅうしょうか |
(noun, transitive verb) abstraction |
抽象域 see styles |
chōu xiàng yù chou1 xiang4 yu4 ch`ou hsiang yü chou hsiang yü |
abstract field (math.) |
抽象性 see styles |
chuushousei / chushose ちゅうしょうせい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) abstractness; abstraction |
抽象画 see styles |
chuushouga / chushoga ちゅうしょうが |
abstract painting |
抽象的 see styles |
chuushouteki / chushoteki ちゅうしょうてき |
(adjectival noun) (ant: 具象的,具体的) abstract |
抽象詞 抽象词 see styles |
chōu xiàng cí chou1 xiang4 ci2 ch`ou hsiang tz`u chou hsiang tzu |
abstract word |
抽象論 see styles |
chuushouron / chushoron ちゅうしょうろん |
an abstract argument |
抽選会 see styles |
chuusenkai / chusenkai ちゅうせんかい |
lottery (event); raffle; draw |
抽選券 see styles |
chuusenken / chusenken ちゅうせんけん |
lottery ticket |
抽選器 see styles |
chuusenki / chusenki ちゅうせんき |
lottery wheel |
抽風機 抽风机 see styles |
chōu fēng jī chou1 feng1 ji1 ch`ou feng chi chou feng chi |
exhaust fan |
江抽斎 see styles |
kouchuusai / kochusai こうちゅうさい |
(personal name) Kōchuusai |
抽き出し see styles |
hikidashi ひきだし |
(1) drawer; (2) withdrawal; drawing out; (3) variety of knowledge and experience useful for handling things impromptu |
抽せん券 see styles |
chuusenken / chusenken ちゅうせんけん |
lottery ticket |
抽んでる see styles |
nukinderu ぬきんでる |
(Ichidan verb) (1) to surpass; to outdo; to excel; to stand out; to be outstanding; to be preeminent; (2) to tower above (the surrounding landscape) |
抽出条件 see styles |
chuushutsujouken / chushutsujoken ちゅうしゅつじょうけん |
{comp} extraction condition |
抽出規準 see styles |
chuushutsukijun / chushutsukijun ちゅうしゅつきじゅん |
{comp} selection criteria |
抽抽噎噎 see styles |
chōu chou yē yē chou1 chou5 ye1 ye1 ch`ou ch`ou yeh yeh chou chou yeh yeh |
to sob and sniffle |
抽水植物 see styles |
chuusuishokubutsu / chusuishokubutsu ちゅうすいしょくぶつ |
emergent plant |
抽水馬桶 抽水马桶 see styles |
chōu shuǐ mǎ tǒng chou1 shui3 ma3 tong3 ch`ou shui ma t`ung chou shui ma tung |
flush toilet |
抽油煙機 抽油烟机 see styles |
chōu yóu yān jī chou1 you2 yan1 ji1 ch`ou yu yen chi chou yu yen chi |
range hood; kitchen exhaust hood |
抽筒子痕 see styles |
chuutoushikon / chutoshikon ちゅうとうしこん |
(See 蹴子痕) extractor mark (on a cartridge) |
抽絲剝繭 抽丝剥茧 see styles |
chōu sī bō jiǎn chou1 si1 bo1 jian3 ch`ou ssu po chien chou ssu po chien |
lit. to unwind the silk thread from the cocoon (idiom); fig. to unravel a mystery; to painstakingly follow the clues to eventually get to the bottom of the matter |
抽象代數 抽象代数 see styles |
chōu xiàng dài shù chou1 xiang4 dai4 shu4 ch`ou hsiang tai shu chou hsiang tai shu |
abstract algebra |
抽象名詞 see styles |
chuushoumeishi / chushomeshi ちゅうしょうめいし |
{gramm} abstract noun |
抽象思維 抽象思维 see styles |
chōu xiàng sī wéi chou1 xiang4 si1 wei2 ch`ou hsiang ssu wei chou hsiang ssu wei |
abstract thought; logical thinking |
抽象概念 see styles |
chuushougainen / chushogainen ちゅうしょうがいねん |
abstract concept; abstraction; abstract idea |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "抽" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.