There are 66 total results for your 専用 search.
Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
専用 see styles |
senyou / senyo せんよう |
(n,vs,vt,n-suf,adj-no) (1) (one's) exclusive use; private use; personal use; (n,n-suf,adj-no) (2) dedicated use; use for a particular purpose; (noun, transitive verb) (3) exclusive use (of particular products); using only (e.g. a certain brand); using solely |
専用機 see styles |
senyouki / senyoki せんようき |
personal aeroplane; personal airplane |
専用線 see styles |
senyousen / senyosen せんようせん |
exclusive line (communications); dedicated line |
専用車 see styles |
senyousha / senyosha せんようしゃ |
private car; personal car |
専用キー see styles |
senyoukii / senyoki せんようキー |
{comp} dedicated key |
専用回線 see styles |
senyoukaisen / senyokaisen せんようかいせん |
leased line; private circuit; private line |
専用機器 see styles |
senyoukiki / senyokiki せんようきき |
dedicated device; apparatus for exclusive use |
受信専用 see styles |
jushinsenyou / jushinsenyo じゅしんせんよう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) {comp} receive only; RO; incoming calls only (telephone) |
女子専用 see styles |
joshisenyou / joshisenyo じょしせんよう |
(can be adjective with の) for the use of women only |
送信専用 see styles |
soushinsenyou / soshinsenyo そうしんせんよう |
(adj-no,n) {comp} send-only (e.g. email address); no-reply |
配信専用 see styles |
haishinsenyou / haishinsenyo はいしんせんよう |
(adj-no,n) {comp} send-only (e.g. email address); no-reply |
専用駐車場 see styles |
senyouchuushajou / senyochushajo せんようちゅうしゃじょう |
private parking place |
バス専用道 see styles |
basusenyoudou / basusenyodo バスせんようどう |
(place-name) Basusenyoudō |
仮想専用網 see styles |
kasousenyoumou / kasosenyomo かそうせんようもう |
{comp} virtual private network |
女性専用車 see styles |
joseisenyousha / josesenyosha じょせいせんようしゃ |
women-only carriage (e.g. on a train) |
政府専用機 see styles |
seifusenyouki / sefusenyoki せいふせんようき |
government plane (esp. for transporting senior politicians, etc.) |
専用レジスタ see styles |
senyourejisuta / senyorejisuta せんようレジスタ |
{comp} special-purpose register |
バス専用道路 see styles |
basusenyoudouro / basusenyodoro バスせんようどうろ |
(place-name) Basusenyoudōro |
三沢駅専用線 see styles |
misawaekisenyousen / misawaekisenyosen みさわえきせんようせん |
(place-name) Misawaekisenyousen |
原燃専用道路 see styles |
gennensenyoudouro / gennensenyodoro げんねんせんようどうろ |
(place-name) Gennensenyoudōro |
女性専用車両 see styles |
joseisenyousharyou / josesenyosharyo じょせいせんようしゃりょう |
women-only carriage (e.g. on a train) |
自転車専用道 see styles |
jitenshasenyoudou / jitenshasenyodo じてんしゃせんようどう |
(place-name) Jitenshasenyoudō |
読み取り専用 see styles |
yomitorisenyou / yomitorisenyo よみとりせんよう |
{comp} read only |
鉱山専用道路 see styles |
kouzansenyoudouro / kozansenyodoro こうざんせんようどうろ |
(place-name) Kōzansenyoudōro |
データ専用文字 see styles |
deetasenyoumoji / deetasenyomoji データせんようもじ |
{comp} dedicated data character |
バス専用レーン see styles |
basusenyoureen / basusenyoreen バスせんようレーン |
bus lane (of a highway) |
三井鉱山専用線 see styles |
mitsuikouzansenyousen / mitsuikozansenyosen みついこうざんせんようせん |
(place-name) Mitsuikouzansenyousen |
住友金属専用線 see styles |
sumitomokinzokusenyousen / sumitomokinzokusenyosen すみともきんぞくせんようせん |
(place-name) Sumitomokinzokusenyousen |
営林署専用道路 see styles |
eirinshosenyoudouro / erinshosenyodoro えいりんしょせんようどうろ |
(place-name) Eirinshosenyoudōro |
国有林専用林道 see styles |
kokuyuurinsenyourindou / kokuyurinsenyorindo こくゆうりんせんようりんどう |
(place-name) Kokuyūrinsenyourindō |
川崎製鉄専用線 see styles |
kawasakiseitetsusenyousen / kawasakisetetsusenyosen かわさきせいてつせんようせん |
(place-name) Kawasakiseitetsusenyousen |
相模鉄道専用線 see styles |
sagamitetsudousenyousen / sagamitetsudosenyosen さがみてつどうせんようせん |
(place-name) Sagamitetsudousenyousen |
自動車専用道路 see styles |
jidoushasenyoudouro / jidoshasenyodoro じどうしゃせんようどうろ |
expressway; motorway; freeway; controlled-access highway; (place-name) Jidoushasenyoudōro |
自衛隊専用道路 see styles |
jieitaisenyoudouro / jietaisenyodoro じえいたいせんようどうろ |
(place-name) Jieitaisenyoudōro |
自転車専用道路 see styles |
jidenshasenyoudouro / jidenshasenyodoro じでんしゃせんようどうろ |
bicycle path; cycling path; bike lane; (place-name) Jidenshasenyoudōro |
釜石製鉄専用線 see styles |
kamaishiseitetsusenyousen / kamaishisetetsusenyosen かまいしせいてつせんようせん |
(place-name) Kamaishiseitetsusenyousen |
電化専用貨物線 see styles |
denkasenyoukamotsusen / denkasenyokamotsusen でんかせんようかもつせん |
(place-name) Denkasenyoukamotsusen |
低層住居専用地域 see styles |
teisoujuukyosenyouchiiki / tesojukyosenyochiki ていそうじゅうきょせんようちいき |
{law} low-rise residential zone |
国見山鉱山専用線 see styles |
kunimiyamakouzansenyousen / kunimiyamakozansenyosen くにみやまこうざんせんようせん |
(place-name) Kunimiyamakouzansenyousen |
宇部興産専用道路 see styles |
ubekousansenyoudouro / ubekosansenyodoro うべこうさんせんようどうろ |
(place-name) Ubekousansenyoudōro |
新日本製鉄専用線 see styles |
shinnihonseitetsusenyousen / shinnihonsetetsusenyosen しんにほんせいてつせんようせん |
(place-name) Shinnihonseitetsusenyousen |
日本鋼管専用鉄道 see styles |
nihonkoukansenyoutetsudou / nihonkokansenyotetsudo にほんこうかんせんようてつどう |
(place-name) Nihonkoukansenyoutetsudō |
発電事業専用道路 see styles |
hatsudenjigyousenyoudouro / hatsudenjigyosenyodoro はつでんじぎょうせんようどうろ |
(place-name) Hatsudenjigyousenyoudōro |
砂防工事専用軌道 see styles |
saboukoujisenyoukidou / sabokojisenyokido さぼうこうじせんようきどう |
(place-name) Saboukoujisenyoukidō |
砂防工事専用道路 see styles |
saboukoujisenyoudouro / sabokojisenyodoro さぼうこうじせんようどうろ |
(place-name) Saboukoujisenyoudōro |
中高層住居専用地域 see styles |
chuukousoujuukyosenyouchiiki / chukosojukyosenyochiki ちゅうこうそうじゅうきょせんようちいき |
{law} (See 中高層・ちゅうこうそう) medium and high-rise residential zone |
大阪セメント専用線 see styles |
oosakasementosenyousen / oosakasementosenyosen おおさかセメントせんようせん |
(place-name) Osakasementosenyousen |
新日本製鉄専用鉄道 see styles |
shinnihonseitetsusenyoutetsudou / shinnihonsetetsusenyotetsudo しんにほんせいてつせんようてつどう |
(place-name) Shinnihonseitetsusenyoutetsudō |
日産自動車専用ふ頭 see styles |
nissanjidoushasenyoufutou / nissanjidoshasenyofuto にっさんじどうしゃせんようふとう |
(place-name) Nissanjidoushasenyoufutou |
福島臨海鉄道専用線 see styles |
fukushimarinkaitetsudousenyousen / fukushimarinkaitetsudosenyosen ふくしまりんかいてつどうせんようせん |
(place-name) Fukushimarinkaitetsudousenyousen |
秩父セメント専用線 see styles |
chichibusementosenyousen / chichibusementosenyosen ちちぶセメントせんようせん |
(place-name) Chichibusementosenyousen |
読み出し専用メモリ see styles |
yomidashisenyoumemori / yomidashisenyomemori よみだしせんようメモリ |
{comp} read-only memory; ROM |
読み取り専用メモリ see styles |
yomitorisenyoumemori / yomitorisenyomemori よみとりせんようメモリ |
{comp} read-only memory; ROM |
読み取り専用モード see styles |
yomitorisenyoumoodo / yomitorisenyomoodo よみとりせんようモード |
{comp} read only mode |
読取り専用記憶装置 see styles |
yomitorisenyoukiokusouchi / yomitorisenyokiokusochi よみとりせんようきおくそうち |
{comp} read-only memory; ROM |
豊平峡ダム専用道路 see styles |
houheikyoudamusenyoudouro / hohekyodamusenyodoro ほうへいきょうダムせんようどうろ |
(place-name) Houheikyōdamusenyoudōro |
鹿島臨海鉄道専用線 see styles |
kashimarinkaitetsudousenyousen / kashimarinkaitetsudosenyosen かしまりんかいてつどうせんようせん |
(place-name) Kashimarinkaitetsudousenyousen |
日本セメント専用軌道 see styles |
nihonsementosenyoukidou / nihonsementosenyokido にほんセメントせんようきどう |
(place-name) Nihonsementosenyoukidō |
神奈川臨海鉄道専用線 see styles |
kanagawarinkaitetsudousenyousen / kanagawarinkaitetsudosenyosen かながわりんかいてつどうせんようせん |
(place-name) Kanagawarinkaitetsudousenyousen |
自転車歩行者専用道路 see styles |
jitenshahokoushasenyoudouro / jitenshahokoshasenyodoro じてんしゃほこうしゃせんようどうろ |
(place-name) Jitenshahokoushasenyoudōro |
関西電力黒部専用鉄道 see styles |
kansaidenryokukurobesenyoutetsudou / kansaidenryokukurobesenyotetsudo かんさいでんりょくくろべせんようてつどう |
(place-name) Kansaidenryokukurobesenyoutetsudō |
太平洋石炭販売輸送専用線 see styles |
taiheiyousekitanhanbaiyusousenyousen / taiheyosekitanhanbaiyusosenyosen たいへいようせきたんはんばいゆそうせんようせん |
(place-name) Taiheiyousekitanhanbaiyusousenyousen |
読取り専用ファイルシステム see styles |
yomitorisenyoufairushisutemu / yomitorisenyofairushisutemu よみとりせんようファイルシステム |
{comp} read-only file system |
プログラム可能読取り専用記憶装置 see styles |
puroguramukanouyomitorisenyoukiokusouchi / puroguramukanoyomitorisenyokiokusochi プログラムかのうよみとりせんようきおくそうち |
{comp} programmable read-only memory; PROM |
Variations: |
yomitorisenyou / yomitorisenyo よみとりせんよう |
(adj-no,n) {comp} read-only |
消去及びプログラム可能読取り専用記憶装置 see styles |
shoukyooyobipuroguramukanouyomitorisenyoukiokusouchi / shokyooyobipuroguramukanoyomitorisenyokiokusochi しょうきょおよびプログラムかのうよみとりせんようきおくそうち |
{comp} erasable programmable read-only memory; EPROM |
Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.