There are 68 total results for your 報告 search.
Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
報告 报告 see styles |
bào gào bao4 gao4 pao kao houkoku / hokoku ほうこく |
to inform; to report; to make known; report; speech; talk; lecture; CL:篇[pian1],份[fen4],個|个[ge4],通[tong4] (noun, transitive verb) report; information |
報告会 see styles |
houkokukai / hokokukai ほうこくかい |
debriefing (session) |
報告例 see styles |
houkokurei / hokokure ほうこくれい |
reported case (instance) |
報告員 报告员 see styles |
bào gào yuán bao4 gao4 yuan2 pao kao yüan |
spokesperson; announcer |
報告官 see styles |
houkokukan / hokokukan ほうこくかん |
(See 報告者) rapporteur; reporter |
報告書 报告书 see styles |
bào gào shū bao4 gao4 shu1 pao kao shu houkokusho / hokokusho ほうこくしょ |
written report (written) report |
報告會 报告会 see styles |
bào gào huì bao4 gao4 hui4 pao kao hui |
public lecture (with guest speakers etc) |
報告者 see styles |
houkokusha / hokokusha ほうこくしゃ |
reporter; speaker; informer; presenter; rapporteur |
假報告 假报告 see styles |
jiǎ bào gào jia3 bao4 gao4 chia pao kao |
false report; forgery; fabricated declaration (e.g. income tax return) |
報告文學 报告文学 see styles |
bào gào wén xué bao4 gao4 wen2 xue2 pao kao wen hsüeh |
reportage |
報告書句 see styles |
houkokushoku / hokokushoku ほうこくしょく |
{comp} report clause |
報告書名 see styles |
houkokushomei / hokokushome ほうこくしょめい |
{comp} report-name |
報告書節 see styles |
houkokushosetsu / hokokushosetsu ほうこくしょせつ |
{comp} report section |
報告書行 see styles |
houkokushogyou / hokokushogyo ほうこくしょぎょう |
{comp} report line; line |
報告集団 see styles |
houkokushuudan / hokokushudan ほうこくしゅうだん |
{comp} report group |
中間報告 see styles |
chuukanhoukoku / chukanhokoku ちゅうかんほうこく |
interim report |
事後報告 see styles |
jigohoukoku / jigohokoku じごほうこく |
ex post facto report; report after the event |
事象報告 see styles |
jishouhoukoku / jishohokoku じしょうほうこく |
{comp} event report |
会計報告 see styles |
kaikeihoukoku / kaikehokoku かいけいほうこく |
treasurer's report; financial report |
収支報告 see styles |
shuushihoukoku / shushihokoku しゅうしほうこく |
{finc} results announcement; earnings call |
収益報告 see styles |
shuuekihoukoku / shuekihokoku しゅうえきほうこく |
earnings report |
営業報告 see styles |
eigyouhoukoku / egyohokoku えいぎょうほうこく |
business report |
工作報告 工作报告 see styles |
gōng zuò bào gào gong1 zuo4 bao4 gao4 kung tso pao kao |
working report; operating report |
年度報告 年度报告 see styles |
nián dù bào gào nian2 du4 bao4 gao4 nien tu pao kao |
annual report |
年次報告 see styles |
nenjihoukoku / nenjihokoku ねんじほうこく |
annual report |
打小報告 打小报告 see styles |
dǎ xiǎo bào gào da3 xiao3 bao4 gao4 ta hsiao pao kao |
(coll.) to tattletale; to rat on sb |
施政報告 施政报告 see styles |
shī zhèng bào gào shi1 zheng4 bao4 gao4 shih cheng pao kao |
administrative report |
最終報告 see styles |
saishuuhoukoku / saishuhokoku さいしゅうほうこく |
(See 中間報告) final report |
決算報告 see styles |
kessanhoukoku / kessanhokoku けっさんほうこく |
financial statement |
状況報告 see styles |
joukyouhoukoku / jokyohokoku じょうきょうほうこく |
situation report; status report; progress report |
現地報告 see styles |
genchihoukoku / genchihokoku げんちほうこく |
on-the-spot report |
監査報告 see styles |
kansahoukoku / kansahokoku かんさほうこく |
audit report |
研究報告 研究报告 see styles |
yán jiū bào gào yan2 jiu1 bao4 gao4 yen chiu pao kao kenkyuuhoukoku / kenkyuhokoku けんきゅうほうこく |
research report report of (one's) research; research paper |
虚偽報告 see styles |
kyogihoukoku / kyogihokoku きょぎほうこく |
false report |
調査報告 see styles |
chousahoukoku / chosahokoku ちょうさほうこく |
report (of an investigation); investigation (investigative) report |
近況報告 see styles |
kinkyouhoukoku / kinkyohokoku きんきょうほうこく |
exchange of one's recent news; catch-up |
進捗報告 see styles |
shinchokuhoukoku / shinchokuhokoku しんちょくほうこく |
progress report; status report |
配信報告 see styles |
haishinhoukoku / haishinhokoku はいしんほうこく |
{comp} delivery report |
報告書作成 see styles |
houkokushosakusei / hokokushosakuse ほうこくしょさくせい |
(noun/participle) report generation; report writing; report writer |
営業報告書 see styles |
eigyouhoukokusho / egyohokokusho えいぎょうほうこくしょ |
business report |
四半期報告 see styles |
shihankihoukoku / shihankihokoku しはんきほうこく |
quarterly report |
星界の報告 see styles |
seikainohoukoku / sekainohokoku せいかいのほうこく |
(work) Sidereus Nuncius (treatise by Galileo Galilei; 1610); (wk) Sidereus Nuncius (treatise by Galileo Galilei; 1610) |
監査報告書 see styles |
kansahoukokusho / kansahokokusho かんさほうこくしょ |
audit report |
研究報告書 see styles |
kenkyuuhoukokusho / kenkyuhokokusho けんきゅうほうこくしょ |
{comp} research report |
考克斯報告 考克斯报告 see styles |
kǎo kè sī bào gào kao3 ke4 si1 bao4 gao4 k`ao k`o ssu pao kao kao ko ssu pao kao |
Cox Report; Report of the Select Committee on US National Security and Military-Commercial Concerns with the PRC (1999); Committee Chairman Republican Rep. Chris Cox |
評価報告書 see styles |
hyoukahoukokusho / hyokahokokusho ひょうかほうこくしょ |
evaluation report; appraisal report; assessment report |
財務報告書 see styles |
zaimuhoukokusho / zaimuhokokusho ざいむほうこくしょ |
financial reports |
報告対象打診 see styles |
houkokutaishoudashin / hokokutaishodashin ほうこくたいしょうだしん |
{comp} subject probe |
報告書脚書き see styles |
houkokushoashigaki / hokokushoashigaki ほうこくしょあしがき |
{comp} report footing |
報告書記述項 see styles |
houkokushokijutsukou / hokokushokijutsuko ほうこくしょきじゅつこう |
{comp} report description entry |
報告書頭書き see styles |
houkokushoatamagaki / hokokushoatamagaki ほうこくしょあたまがき |
{comp} report heading |
イベント報告 see styles |
ibentohoukoku / ibentohokoku イベントほうこく |
{comp} event reporting |
キンゼイ報告 see styles |
kinzeihoukoku / kinzehokoku キンゼイほうこく |
(work) Kinsey Reports; (wk) Kinsey Reports |
四半期報告書 see styles |
shihankihoukokusho / shihankihokokusho しはんきほうこくしょ |
quarterly report |
月例経済報告 see styles |
getsureikeizaihoukoku / getsurekezaihokoku げつれいけいざいほうこく |
monthly economic report |
報告書ファイル see styles |
houkokushofairu / hokokushofairu ほうこくしょファイル |
{comp} report file |
報告書レコード see styles |
houkokushorekoodo / hokokushorekoodo ほうこくしょレコード |
{comp} report writer logical record |
報告集団記述項 see styles |
houkokushuudankijutsukou / hokokushudankijutsuko ほうこくしゅうだんきじゅつこう |
{comp} report group description entry |
大會報告起草人 大会报告起草人 see styles |
dà huì bào gào qǐ cǎo rén da4 hui4 bao4 gao4 qi3 cao3 ren2 ta hui pao kao ch`i ts`ao jen ta hui pao kao chi tsao jen |
rapporteur |
大統領経済報告 see styles |
daitouryoukeizaihoukoku / daitoryokezaihokoku だいとうりょうけいざいほうこく |
Economic Report of the President (US) |
有価証券報告書 see styles |
yuukashoukenhoukokusho / yukashokenhokokusho ゆうかしょうけんほうこくしょ |
annual securities report; asset securities reports |
研究展望報告書 see styles |
kenkyuutenbouhoukokusho / kenkyutenbohokokusho けんきゅうてんぼうほうこくしょ |
{comp} state of the art report |
配信報告エントリ see styles |
haishinhoukokuentori / haishinhokokuentori はいしんほうこくエントリ |
{comp} delivered-report entry |
報告可能マーク誤り see styles |
houkokukanoumaakuayamari / hokokukanomakuayamari ほうこくかのうマークあやまり |
{comp} reportable markup error |
報告対象メッセージ see styles |
houkokutaishoumesseeji / hokokutaishomesseeji ほうこくたいしょうメッセージ |
{comp} subject message |
報告書作成管理システム see styles |
houkokushosakuseikanrishisutemu / hokokushosakusekanrishisutemu ほうこくしょさくせいかんりシステム |
{comp} report writer control system; RWCS |
システム適合性試験報告書 see styles |
shisutemutekigouseishikenhoukokusho / shisutemutekigoseshikenhokokusho システムてきごうせいしけんほうこくしょ |
{comp} system conformance test report; SCTR |
プロトコル適合性試験報告書 see styles |
purotokorutekigouseishikenhoukokusho / purotokorutekigoseshikenhokokusho プロトコルてきごうせいしけんほうこくしょ |
{comp} protocol conformance test report; PCTR |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 68 results for "報告" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.